COVID-19 Chicago Frontline Angels
Live Stream Virtual Concert: Music as Medicine http://bit.ly/frontlinelivestream
OUR MISSION: To combat COVID-19 by securing N95 masks for Chicago’s healthcare professionals as quickly as possible.
Our ask:
We need your help to raise enough capital to secure at least 10,000 N95 masks as quickly as possible.
Together, we can protect those on the frontlines who are putting their own lives at stake in order to save our loved ones in the war against coronavirus.
Time is of the essence!
About us:
We are a team of local professionals, including doctors, public health specialists, attorneys, and biomedical engineers.
Our group formed as a direct response to the worldwide shortage of medical safety supplies related to COVID-19.
Across the globe, healthcare providers do not have adequate protection to help save lives and are losing their own lives while trying.
We are determined to prevent this outcome in Chicago.
We are devoted to addressing the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) shortage issues in Chicago caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our commitment:
We will ensure that your support directly benefits our frontline healthcare providers. We guarantee transparency about the funds’ use and will pivot as needed to address our providers’ needs.
What does success look like?
Our current primary goal is to get FDA/NIOSH certified N95 masks into the hands of frontline Chicago healthcare workers as rapidly as possible.
How will the funds be used?
Funds will go towards facilitating the purchase and delivery of masks and other urgent PPE for frontline healthcare workers dealing with the highest number of COVID-19 cases in Chicago.
We are committed to ensuring that our suppliers provide the most competitive rates available for FDA/NIOSH certified N95 masks, so that we can make sure that each dollar we raise is maximized.
Should new information regarding the pandemic cause us to reevaluate our priorities, we will ensure that these funds go towards addressing the pandemic.
Our entire leadership team is donating their time and have foregone compensation for their work on this cause.
Why aren’t the hospitals and government ordering these masks directly?
This is a timeline issue.
Hospitals as well as government agencies are trying their best to procure masks. However, due to supply chain limitations, funding restrictions and health regulations, these institutions are currently experiencing extreme shortages and delays.
As a consequence, these institutions are not able to operate in as agile a fashion as is needed to procure masks before Chicago experiences a COVID-19 surge.
Since we have developed close relationships with top certified Chinese manufacturers and experienced U.S. distributors directly, we can source supplies quickly and efficiently.
I’ve seen other efforts related to COVID-19. How is this one different? What has this group accomplished so far?
We are a multidisciplinary team of professionals focused on a rapid, local response to the PPE shortage in Chicago.
Through our combined expertise, we have evaluated over 20 PPE manufacturers based on standards described above, researched supply chain efforts and conferred with top experts in the space.
As a result, we have established key partnerships with some of the largest Chinese manufacturers and U.S. distributors to partner with on this endeavor.
How do you prioritize who receives the mask?
We are planning to use a data-centric approach to get the masks to those frontline healthcare workers who are likely to have the highest quantity, ratio, and severity of cases.
Are donations tax deductible?
Yes, we have 501(c)(3) status through our fiscal sponsor PHIMC (Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago).
Aside from donations, how can I help?
Spread the word! Here’s how:
Like/follow/share any of our social media pages:
If you are a member of the press, or would like to connect us with a member of the press, you can email us at: [email redacted]
Send this page to someone who can donate or who can do any of the above!
Lisa Medalie, PsyD, DBSM. Insomnia Specialist, Sleep Medicine and Pulmonary Section at The University of Chicago. Entrepreneur- Founder of the IOS app that provides sleep strategies for families, DrLullaby , and Co-Author of Putting Sleep Problems to Bed, Solutions for Children 0-18 Years.
Steve Handoyo, MD. Allergist and Immunologist at The University of Chicago. Co-founder and Executive Director of non-profit, Your Words STL.
B. Louise Giles, MD, FRCPC. Pediatric Pulmonologist and Medical Director for the Pediatric Asthma Program at The University of Chicago.
Ruchi Singla, MD. Allergist and Immunologist at The University of Chicago.
Amar Dixit, MD. Allergist and Immunologist at The University of Chicago. MBA Candidate at Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University,
Tidi Gaamangwe, PhD, PEng. Professional Engineer (Biomedical), Senior Leader.
Amy Wang, MPH, MSc. Biopharma R&D innovation sourcing director and public health specialist, trained at Yale University. Committed to tackling diseases and advancing human health through science and global collaborations.
Amy Kabaria, JD. Healthcare and Data Privacy Counsel, health/public policy specialist trained at Harvard University, co-founder of biotech accelerator.
Emily Wengel. Former healthcare IT and biotech professional. BA Biology/BS Economics from UPenn/Wharton.
Helen Ji, JD. Intellectual Property Trial Attorney with Biomedical Engineering background, specializing in life science and medical technologies.
Kevin Leland, MBA. Founder, Halo, MBA Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.
Anne Barlow. Co-Founder, KV 265
Preeya Sharma. BS Finance Purdue
DISCLAIMER: Our mission is to address the COVID-19 pandemic. At this time, the acquisition of N95 masks is of critical importance as Chicago prepares for a surge of COVID-19 cases. For foreseen or unforeseen reasons, however, including but not limited to border closures or new information, the funds may go towards other uses and we expressly disclaim any indication otherwise. Similarly, to accomplish these stated goals, we may partner with another organization that shares similar objectives, which we will evaluate very closely to make sure it’s in line with ours. We may also give all the funds to another organization if we find one might be better situated to use the funds to address the aim. Please note that this list is not meant to be exhaustive and statements made on this entire page are only meant to be applicable as of the date of the last update on this page.
The information on the pandemic is evolving quickly. Please check back regularly for updates.