C.H.I.C.A.G.O. H.E.L.P. (Covid-19 $ Assistance)
Pierre Andre’ Evans & Go Bang! Magazine (www.GoBangMagazine.com)
asks for YOU to support:
Chicago’s House Inspired Campaign Always Giving Others Help & Emergency Love Project (CHICAGO HELP)
ROUND 1 (of as many as needed)
The COVID-19 Pandemic has hit the world with deadly force. Millions of people worldwide have been infected and affected by the Coronavirus. Chicago has been devastated as well, particularly the African American population. Our loved ones, both young and old, have been infected. Many have lost their jobs, lost their homes, or even more horrible, lost their lives.
As a result, financial devastation is the end result for many. The ripple-effects of Covid-19 have left people UNABLE to buy food, pay rent, get much needed medicine, or even purchase other basic necessities.
In the SPIRIT OF THE HOUSE MUSIC COMMUNITY (which is to LOVE & SUPPORT ALL, regardless of race, religion, sexuality, political affiliation or financial status,) I am asking for your financial donation to help our brothers and sisters...our FAMILY.
Your donation, however small or large, will be added with other donations to help the DEVASTATED families and victims of COVID-19 get the help that they so badly need.
Those affected would submit a request letter, via email, which would include documentation and supporting evidence, explaining their COVID-19 experience and financial need.
After careful review, examination, investigation and confirmation, a one-time financial “gift check” would be issued to those most severely affected by COVID-19 in the amount of $100 to $1000, based on the severity of their case.
We are living in extraordinary times, going through an extraordinary event, which requires extraordinary LOVE & SUPPORT.
Please donate what you can, to help your fellow man!
About Me:
I am a 53 year old, lifetime Chicagoan. I am a creative person and a businessman that cares about the well-being of community and society as a whole. This is my part to help make the world a better place.