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Child Burn Victim Leela Savill

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On Sunday afternoon 10th April 2022, Leela, a beautiful 7-year-old girl, was involved in a horrific accident from a candle that lit up her dress, this resulted in 54% of her body sustaining 3rd degree burns. Leela ran to her 12-year-old sister, who is now suffering from nightmares, who quickly acted and called out to her auntie, thank god for her auntie who ran to her and ripped off her dress with her bare hands sustaining severe burns to both of her hands. Since Sunday, poor Leela has been in the ICU burns unit and already had two operations and another due tomorrow with many more to follow, if all goes well, whatever the outcome, life will not be the same. Both parents are besides themselves. They are also now staying at the hospital, which will be ongoing for as long as needed.
Mum and Dad are just like any normal parents, they both work full time, mum started a new job only three weeks ago, they don’t earn a huge amount but was enough just about to cover their bills, rent and support their two daughters, now they are franticly worried as they know that there is a long road ahead and great uncertainty around their finances and that of being able to provide for the needs of Leela given the sad circumstances. They are all currently still in shock, Mum is hardly eating, Dad is in a state, they are scared for Leela but also her older sister and I honestly feel it would be better for the family if they could get through this difficult situation without having the added concern over finances and potentially losing the roof over their heads and having bills pile up.
What has happened to this family is any parents’ worst nightmare.
Any help would be genuinely appreciated.
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  • Joel Soares
    • 150 £
    • 3 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 20 £
    • 3 ans
  • Sara Phipps
    • 50 £
    • 3 ans
  • Anonyme
    • 5 £
    • 3 ans
  • Nick Hopkins
    • 10 £
    • 3 ans
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Reem Manchee
Kayleigh Savill

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