Create a Children's Peace Garden
Tax deductible

In February 2017, a group of bereaved parents came together to begin the process of creating a Children’s Memorial Peace Garden. We envision this garden as a tribute and sacred place for all to come. Here you can remember, reflect on and honor all our children from Medway that have died far too early. Some of us already have individual memorials in town, but we believe it’s time to create a space dedicated to all of our children. Sadly the photo you see are just a few of the many children we have lost in Medway.
One universal fear bereaved parents share….we do not want our children forgotten. This garden will be a permanent space of remembrance and reflection for all of our children who have died, and bring comfort and gratitude to our hearts.
To date, we have identified the area beside Thayer Property at Choate Park for the pathway and garden, sitting across the pond from the children’s playground. This seems a fitting location, providing a peaceful serenity as the sounds of children laughing, playing and having fun are in the distance. We know that somewhere our children are doing the same.
In the winter/spring of 2018 we worked with a landscape architect to help with the concept and design of the Peace Garden. We have met with Friends of Choate Park and will fall under their 501(c)3 as a subsidiary.
To move forward, we NEED your HELP!!! We need your help to raise funds for building the paths, the garden, seating, plantings, etc. Please consider helping us to build this memorial.
Your donation is tax deductible.
If you have had a child die that lived in Medway and would like their photo included or would like to be included in the process, please contact us through this campaign.
We so appreciate your help with this bittersweet project.
Following is an estimated budget for the peace garden: (Above is a concept of the garden)
Paving and Surfacing $44,000
Wall and sculpture $21,000
Shrubs, trees & plants $27,000
Design/Landscape fee $10,000
GoFundMe Fees $4,000
Total $109,000
Fundraising team (6)
Susan Connolly
Hopkinton, MA
Friends of Choate Park
Paul Mahoney
Team member
Brianna Consigli
Team member
Michelle Cuff
Team member
Mohammed Saifullah
Team member