Chinese Dinner Raises Funds for Covenant House
Tax deductible
We typically have a year end gift exchange for December's Chinese Dinner. This year instead we wanted to give back to an NYC charity: Covenant House. They will match whatever you donate so it's automatically doubled! (If you donate $25, it'll count as $50)
Covenant House is the largest privately funded agency in the Americas providing food, shelter, immediate crisis care, and essential services to homeless young people in 31 cities across the United States, Canada and Latin America.
Help us reach a goal of $500 towards this fundraiser. Hopefully you can join the dinner as well! 7pm at Chow House (181 Bleecker)
Help us reach a goal of $500 towards this fundraiser. Hopefully you can join the dinner as well! 7pm at Chow House (181 Bleecker)
Fundraising team (2)
Louis Melendez
Brooklyn, NY
Morlene Chin
Team member