Chinle "R.E.A.D. in Beauty" Bookmobile
Tax deductible
Thank you for your interest in creating a Bookmobile on the Reservation in Chinle, Arizona!
During our COVID Relief Project a group of educators and retired professors from Los Angeles contacted Chinle Planting Hope after reading Nick Kristoff's NYT article. After discussing ideas they offered to help us research and write a business plan for a much needed Bookmobile in Chinle. Ahéhee' Miriyam, Patricia, Sue and Paula for all your hard work helping to make this Bookmobile a reality! We are in this together!
(The above picture shows what type of van we’ll purchase for the Bookmobile! That's not actually it!)
Chinle Planting Hope is SO excited to be starting a Chinle Community "R.E.A.D. in Beauty" Bookmobile this fall on the Navajo Nation!
A Bookmobile Library has been a dream of Charmaine Tsosie, the President of Chinle Planting Hope, for many years. The Bookmobile will be a Sprinter Cargo Van that holds over 3000 books, art supplies, computers and charging stations and will travel all over Chinle and surrounding areas. The Bookmobile will work with local schools, visit housing projects, swap meets, sporting events and community gatherings.
There are many challenges on the Reservation. A lot of these issues have been highlighted by the media because of COVID. The poverty rate far exceeds the national average, many live without running water or electricity, only half of those on tribal land have access to high speed internet and the nearest public library is over 70 miles away. Despite educators best efforts, the majority of students from 3rd grade to high school lack reading proficiency.
However, Chinle Planting Hope, local teachers and staff and Chinle families know these statistics do not tell the whole story. When given equal opportunity, Navajo students can and do rise to the challenge! The Bookmobile is the first project of a a larger plan of Chinle Planting Hope to help equalize opportunity for children and families in Chinle.
The Bookmobile will work closely with an Advisory Council of residents that are active in the community, school system, health care field and Chapter House government to make sure the Bookmobile is successful and relevant. The Bookmobile will hire full and part time staff, use community volunteers and draw on local high school and college students to serve as storytellers and tutors.
There will be an "Adopt the Bookmobile" Partnership Program. Each month, a community partner will "adopt" the Bookmobile, raise funds to help cover the operational costs, and collect new and used books. If you know of any groups that would like more information about the Partnership Program email Chinle Planting Hope at [email redacted].
Please help us to make the Chinle "R.E.A.D. in Beauty" Bookmobile a reality! Chinle Planting Hope will be purchasing the vehicle, ordering supplies and hiring staff as soon as the fundraising is complete. CPH was blown away by the generous responses to our COVID relief efforts and we were able to deliver over 500 boxes to vulnerable elderly over the past 5 months.
We are asking for you to partner with us once again to create safe spaces and learning opportunities for families on the Rez once the COVID restrictions are lifted. We can't say how much we appreciate your time, care and support. Please share this link with others that might want to get involved too.
Chinle Planting Hope is a 501c3 nonprofit so donations through this GoFundMe will now receive a tax deduction receipt through GoFundMe's PayPal partnership. Checks can also be sent directly to Chinle Planting Hope at P.O. Box 4119, Chinle, Arizona 86503. Tax deduction letters will also be given at year end by CPH for all check donations received! There is also a full business plan available upon request.
Ahéhee' from the bottom of our hearts! We can't wait to keep you updated on the progress of this new Bookmobile project. We'll be sending out updates through GFM but you can also follow Chinle Planting Hope on Facebook @ChinlePlantingHope to see pictures, stories and updates.
Thank you again for partnering with us! It means the world to us!
Chinle Planting Hope Leadership Team
During our COVID Relief Project a group of educators and retired professors from Los Angeles contacted Chinle Planting Hope after reading Nick Kristoff's NYT article. After discussing ideas they offered to help us research and write a business plan for a much needed Bookmobile in Chinle. Ahéhee' Miriyam, Patricia, Sue and Paula for all your hard work helping to make this Bookmobile a reality! We are in this together!
(The above picture shows what type of van we’ll purchase for the Bookmobile! That's not actually it!)
Chinle Planting Hope is SO excited to be starting a Chinle Community "R.E.A.D. in Beauty" Bookmobile this fall on the Navajo Nation!
A Bookmobile Library has been a dream of Charmaine Tsosie, the President of Chinle Planting Hope, for many years. The Bookmobile will be a Sprinter Cargo Van that holds over 3000 books, art supplies, computers and charging stations and will travel all over Chinle and surrounding areas. The Bookmobile will work with local schools, visit housing projects, swap meets, sporting events and community gatherings.
There are many challenges on the Reservation. A lot of these issues have been highlighted by the media because of COVID. The poverty rate far exceeds the national average, many live without running water or electricity, only half of those on tribal land have access to high speed internet and the nearest public library is over 70 miles away. Despite educators best efforts, the majority of students from 3rd grade to high school lack reading proficiency.
However, Chinle Planting Hope, local teachers and staff and Chinle families know these statistics do not tell the whole story. When given equal opportunity, Navajo students can and do rise to the challenge! The Bookmobile is the first project of a a larger plan of Chinle Planting Hope to help equalize opportunity for children and families in Chinle.
The Bookmobile will work closely with an Advisory Council of residents that are active in the community, school system, health care field and Chapter House government to make sure the Bookmobile is successful and relevant. The Bookmobile will hire full and part time staff, use community volunteers and draw on local high school and college students to serve as storytellers and tutors.
There will be an "Adopt the Bookmobile" Partnership Program. Each month, a community partner will "adopt" the Bookmobile, raise funds to help cover the operational costs, and collect new and used books. If you know of any groups that would like more information about the Partnership Program email Chinle Planting Hope at [email redacted].
Please help us to make the Chinle "R.E.A.D. in Beauty" Bookmobile a reality! Chinle Planting Hope will be purchasing the vehicle, ordering supplies and hiring staff as soon as the fundraising is complete. CPH was blown away by the generous responses to our COVID relief efforts and we were able to deliver over 500 boxes to vulnerable elderly over the past 5 months.
We are asking for you to partner with us once again to create safe spaces and learning opportunities for families on the Rez once the COVID restrictions are lifted. We can't say how much we appreciate your time, care and support. Please share this link with others that might want to get involved too.
Chinle Planting Hope is a 501c3 nonprofit so donations through this GoFundMe will now receive a tax deduction receipt through GoFundMe's PayPal partnership. Checks can also be sent directly to Chinle Planting Hope at P.O. Box 4119, Chinle, Arizona 86503. Tax deduction letters will also be given at year end by CPH for all check donations received! There is also a full business plan available upon request.
Ahéhee' from the bottom of our hearts! We can't wait to keep you updated on the progress of this new Bookmobile project. We'll be sending out updates through GFM but you can also follow Chinle Planting Hope on Facebook @ChinlePlantingHope to see pictures, stories and updates.
Thank you again for partnering with us! It means the world to us!
Chinle Planting Hope Leadership Team
Fundraising team: Chinle Bookmobile Team (5)
Amber Rae
Chinle, AZ
Chinle Planting Hope
Charmaine Tsosie
Team member
Miriyam Glazer
Team member
Patricia St Pierre
Team member
Paula Stern
Team member