Chloe’s Wishlist
Hello my name is Chloe, I’m 28 years old. I was born with mild Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy. Luckily my disabilities never had very much effect on me. I was able to graduate from high school and hold a full time job and almost completely lived independently. Then shortly after my 27th birthday I was hospitalized for 2 mouths for a rare Brain Abscess, which caused me to lose all function on the left side of my body. Currently I’m in a wheelchair and recently moved in a new house in a small town right on the creek. I’m trying to raise money for a few things to help me be ably to do more things and have fun with my family. I’m hoping for a used Quad or small used ATV to help get me down to the creek, and a used golf cart so I can drive into town and possibly a beach wheelchair to go camping. Any donations, big or small would help me greatly. Thank you for your time!