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Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement

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Scarlett Lewis founded the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement after her son was murdered during the Sandy Hook tragedy in December 2012. Shortly after his death, Scarlett decided to be part of the solution to the issues that we're seeing in our society—and that also caused the tragedy. She created the Movement and became an advocate for social and emotional learning (SEL) that teaches children how to manage their emotions, feel connected, and have healthy relationships.  ALL students deserve to receive SEL in their classrooms based on the evidence compiled from decades of research showing the tremendous life-long benefits of SEL mentally, physically and emotionally for students. Scientific research has shown that SEL proactively reduces and prevent substance abuse, mental illness and incarceration. In fact, SEL is the most powerful and proactive mental health initiative we have. 

Choose Love Enrichment Program™ (CLEP) is a no cost life span social and emotional learning (SEL) program for infant, toddler, Pre-K through 12th grade curriculum containing the universal teachings of courage, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion in action. This program teaches children how to handle adversity, have courageous conversations, and to respond with love. The Choose Love Enrichment Program has been downloaded in all 50 states and in nearly 70 countries. This program includes the best of what is statistically effective and being taught in classrooms today that can reduce and prevent mental illness, substance abuse, bullying and more.

In the end of 2018, the revamped Choose Love At Home Program for parents and caregivers launched and now consists of videos, exercises for the whole family to inspire discussion, and printable resources, carrying a consistent message of Choose Love from school into a child’s home.  In December, we launched our Choosing Love for Communities Program. This program enables businesses and individuals to go through training as well as take an interactive oath to Choose Love which enables them to hang a graphic in their window and office that lets others know that they adhere to the values and ethics of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement. This will give parents and their children the added confidence the place they are visiting understands the language of the program and is safe and kind. Please visit our website to learn more about these new programs.

You can BE PART OF THE SOLUTION of creating safer, more peaceful schools. Now more than ever, we need to work together to cultivate positive learning environments for all children and teach the simple yet profound Choose Love Formula. The Choose Love Enrichment Program and our extension programs are now throughout the country and the world thanks to our generous donors!

To learn more about our program and Scarlett's story, watch Scarlett Lewis' intereview with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb on the Today Show:


  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 5 yrs


Scarlett Lewis
Berkshire, CT
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