Chopin Theatre Fundraiser
Tax deductible
December 30, 2021
Dear Friends
Because of support last year, Chopin Theatre didn't close.
And with some CARES Act help we invested in more air purifying equipment, enhanced sanitizing procedures and safely reopened in October. Over those three months , we've had 296 presentations of international theater, extraordinary puppetry, a family holiday show and great music shows.
But the virus doesn't give up.
Last night we experienced another cancellation and effectively the end of The Snow Queen.
Chopin Theatre activities will still need some support.
Please consider a tax deductible donation so that Chopin Theatre can continue despite the challenges of the pandemic?
Your support helps us fulfill our mission since 1990 of promoting enlightened civic discourse through a diverse range of artistic programming. As a theater brought back to life from ruins through the strenuous efforts of a few people, we think to be progressive is to be pragmatic.
Happy 2022
We wish you health and good spirits
Zygmunt and Lela Dyrkacz
and Board of Chopin Theatre
December 22, 2021
Dear Friends
Very Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays
from Zygmunt and Lela Dyrkacz
and Board of Chopin Theatre
Even though we're closed for a couple days, we are as always optimistic
Due to the rapidly evolving circumstances around spikes in COVID-19 cases, the difficult decision has been made to suspend all performances and the current hope is to resume after the holidays. Ticket holders are being contacted regarding rescheduling and/or refunds.
We all thank you for your understanding during this time. This decision was made out of caution for artists and audiences attending productions at Chopin Theatre.
Wishing you safe travels, good health and happy holidays.
Take care of yourselves and each other.
November 30, 2021
Thank you to the 613 people that donated to us last year during our first ever fundraiser to sustain Chopin Theatre through the pandemic.
Since reopening this September, Chopin Theatre has presented a diversity of exciting and meaningful programming – combat veterans performances from Miami; a Puerto Rican play about Hurricane Maria; an audio play about life in the pandemic; a workshop and staged reading of an immigration musical, and “Exquisite Corpses” puppet vignettes on 6 different stages. And now we show a holiday friendly The Snow Queen (with hundred free tickets to Polish immigrant families) and in the Studio, Hundred Days musical story. What if you had 100 days to live? In a few weeks, Czech and Slovak opera presentation.
Since the Summer we have improved HVAC filtration systems and purchased purifying equipment. Vaccination verification and stringent covid sanitizing practices have been implemented. And rapid testing is available.
We would like to ask for your support to fundraise $72,000 to assist with 2022 increased operating expenses and to enrich our artistic programming.
And if we’re fortunate enough to achieve that goal, any additional money will go to Chopin's Elevator Fund for better access for the physically disabled and senior citizens. With funding from the MacArthur Foundation/League of Chicago Theatres grant we were able to commission Studio Gang to undertake a feasibility study to increase accessibility and connectivity between the Studio Theatre, street level, and upper-level Main Stage theater.
Your generosity allows Chopin Theatre to be a great home for a lot of artists to present often new, nuanced ideas. Similarly to the past 31 years where over 2000 different presentations touched on every important artistic and social aspect of life in America as well as shows from dozens of other countries presenting worldview perspectives. We hope such work has supported our mission of “promoting enlightened civic discourse through a diverse range of artistic offerings”. To over 1 million visitors.
Beyond stage presentations, Chopin Theatre also has other attractions. It is some kind of mental shelter especially needed in these times. With great atmosphere. A wandering place for drinks, conversations, ad hoc music on its two levels of multiple spaces filled with many dozens of “garage sale” masterpieces.
Since 1990 the Chopin Theatre building has also been a place of rejuvenation and support for Wicker Park being an artistic destination. With determination, prudent business practices, use of second hand materials and a lot of sweat equity, Chopin has gradually become a visual attraction for the thousands of cars as well as commuters passing daily through the Polish Triangle across the theater. We hope our beautiful façade, bright lights and murals bring a feeling of soulfulness and optimism especially in these coming winter months.
Again thank you.
We hope you support Chopin Theatre again. And share our appeal with your friends.
Any amount is deeply appreciated.
Your contribution is tax deductible.
It can be done at GoFundMe, our website or by mailing a check to Chopin Theatre Productions NFP, 1543 W. Division St., Chicago IL 60642
Yours in optimism and gratitude,
Zygmunt Dyrkacz, Artistic Director
Lela Headd Dyrkacz, Managing Director
Our Board and Auxiliary Members
Prof A. Miller, M. Falendysz CPA, H Kantner, K. Kron, M. Kanemitsu
Chopin Theatre Productions is a 501(c)3 not for profit art presenter and producer at the historic Chopin Theatre building in Chicago (Federal Tax ID No. 81-4542700).
Chopin Theatre Productions is a 501(c)3 not for profit art presenter and producer at the historic Chopin Theatre building in Chicago (Federal Tax ID No. 81-4542700).
Lela Dyrkacz
Chicago, IL
Chopin Theatre Productions NFP