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Chris Posen Finnegan Medical Fund

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Live life to the fullest, laugh often, live in the now

Funny, active, outgoing, ever thoughtful gift giver, dancing queen, avid Gardner…loves to go all out decorating her home for every holiday, known to wear not one-but several wigs, disguises and costumes for parties and events…This is the Christine Posen Finnegan we know and love!  Her consistent positivity and strength carried her through a fight with Breast Cancer in recent years. But, in April, 2015 Chris’ life took an unexpected turn when she received a devastating diagnosis of ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Eventually, people with ALS lose the ability to initiate and control muscle movement- losing the ability to speak, eat, move and breathe.  Effects of this disease often lead to total paralysis; there is currently no treatment, and no cure. 

Chris married Mike Finnegan in 1991. As their family grew Chris and Mike became very active members in their community of Homer Glen, with their children, Michael, Brian and Lauren. They volunteered at church, school, in Scouting and with the Lockport High School Band. Chris worked closely with Lauren and the Girls Scouts and Mike was an active board member at Chicago Gaelic Park for many years.

Chris met Mike through working at Owasippe Scout Reservation. The community of scouting and friendships made through OSR, The Owasippe Staff Association and Boy Scouts with the family remain an important and memorable part of their lives. Mike was a Cub Master, and Chris a Den Leader for many years. They were honored to see their sons, Michael and Brian, achieve their Eagle Scout Awards.

Throughout her life, Chris has enjoyed working with and helping others. As a teen Chris worked with mentally challenged girls and as a summer camp counselor. This all led to Chris to becoming an Occupational Therapist in 1986, working with patients with physical and mental illness to work through challenges, improve life and develop functional skills. Chris’s work has been especially meaningful and fulfilling to her, particularly advocating for those with mental illness.  Unfortunately, due to the progression of her ALS symptoms Chris had to leave her job at the University Of Illinois Hospital in September, 2016.  Not being able to continue the professional work she loves so much has been difficult for Chris to accept and this change has also greatly impacted the family financially.

While it is difficult accepting the loss of physical abilities, and anticipating what the future may hold, Christine IS focused on living in the now! Although she needs full time caretaking, Chris still tries to operate everyday with her usual tenacity, and being positive for her family. She is so grateful for the ongoing and incredible support, assistance, and love from Mike, the kids, and all of her family and friends. She enjoys spending time at the monthly gatherings with her “ALStars”- her family and friends, which Mike plans for her.  Mike and Chris just celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary. And, Chris is so proud of the young adults her children are becoming.  She feels that spending time with them, family and friends will help her get through any upcoming challenges. She intends to use her strength, determination, and sense of humor as additional personal support.  She hopes to continue to help others by being involved in advocacy for ALS.

ALS is a crippling disease that creates an immense emotional and financial strain for patients and their families. Caring for a patient with ALS can cost upwards of $200,000 per year.  Aside from medical treatment, care costs include specialized wheel chairs, feeding and breathing tubes, personal daily care, communication devices, etc.  Health insurance does not cover the costs of in home care, transportation expenses, personal care items, adaptive equipment and necessary, structural home modifications.

Christine is bravely living with this disease but we must ensure she continues living a quality life, with dignity. She and her family are remaining hopeful with so much research happening.  We need your support and donations. Please visit our Facebook page or our website.


  • Anónimo
    • $125
    • 5 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Family and Friends
Homer Glen, IL
Mike Finnegan

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