Christian School for Orphans in Ghana
Dominion Bible Ministries is in partnership with John Andoh who is the founder of Freedom House Foundation in Ghana which provides support for 65 orphans. We have been in process of building a school on the orphanage property called “Freedom House International School.” Below you can see the school logo and some pictures of the kids taking class outdoors under a tree and also gathered on the orphanage porch.
If you will take a look at the pictures below, you will see the modest starting point of brickwalls which have been sitting in the same condition for years until recently. We have now been able to finish the exterior of the building as you can see in the subsequent picture. Tremendous progress has been made – thank God!
We are now seeking funds to complete the interior, install windows, tile the floor, finish the ceiling work, complete the electrical work, buy chairs, desks, blackboards, uniforms, three TVs for e-learning, books, supplies, and the fall semester costs to pay for three teachers and their rooms. Any contribution amount will be greatly appreciated. Feel free to contribute here on GoFundMe or on PayPal via our website at this link: https://dominionbibleministries.com/donate/ .
Thank you and God bless you!
Mitchell Ayer, Kathy Ayer, Bobby Collier
Dominion Bible Ministries