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My nephew, your best friend, son , brother , cousin, grandson, teammate has earned his angel's wings. Anyone who has known Christian is a better person for it. It is with a heavy heart and his strength that I'm writing this.  On March 1st at University of St Mary's in Kansas, doing what he loved, Christian unexpectedly passed away while at football practice. The picture you see here is the proudest moment of his life and his family's. On National signing day, who other than  Christian would make the cover of the daily newspaper. Please help us honor his life as he leaves a legacy of love,  kindness, generosity and laughter. We ask for your assistance as we need to bring him home from Kansas and lay him to rest at home. We want to extend our gratitude for all your kind words, love and support during this difficult time as we are all in disbelief.


  • Lisa Sheffer
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Irene Morones Pitochelli
Yorba Linda, CA
Marlene Yanos

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