Christie Pits Skateboard Park Fundraiser
Christie Pits Skateboard Park is ramping up the season, and we're getting ready to put up the mini (4' H x 16' W).
But before we sit it up we need to purchase surfacing (from a canadian company!), and we are only half way there on our fundraiser from last year ($1580 out of $3200). If everyone pitched in $10-20 we could make our mini dreams come true.
We are DIY community project in one of Toronto's best downtown parks, run and built by awesome volunteers who love skateboarding. So your donations really help out to keep the park safe, maintained, and running smoothly.
We welcome everyone; young and old, beginner to advanced skaters, ladies, guys, and everyone in between!
Part of being a community based park is our priority to be inclusive and spreading knowledge.
The park is fully funded by donations, and the money raised will go towards:
- screws, paint, tools, concrete, brooms, squeegees
- lumber
- surfacing sheets
- steel (base plates, angle iron, steel piping, etc)
- community celebrations (BBQs)
We can also meet up for donations made in person or material donations.
Thanks for all your help.
Feel free to share this with your friends.