Christmas Eve Sleepover 2021
Tax deductible
Our Annual Christmas Eve Sleepover is a fundraising event and opportunity for our animals to spend their Christmas playing and receiving all the extra attention they deserve! This year has brought many challenges to the shelter including raising costs, an influx of high medical need animals, and an increased need for services in our community.
We are pleased to introduce this year’s Christmas Eve Sleepover participant, Oliver! Seven-year-old Ollie is the son of our vet tech and has been an outstanding foster brother to hundreds of Harvest Hills animals over the years. He has been socializing kittens since he was in diapers and started bottle feeding some of our most vulnerable babies at just four years old! Caring for animals may be in this boy’s genes, but his compassion and eagerness to learn is admirable. Oliver’s favorite activity is building forts for foster kittens to hang out in with him, and of course, teaching them how to play! What started as a sarcastic “We could be spending Christmas Eve at the shelter!” turned into one excited young boy and a very emphatic “YES!”. Join us in thanking Oliver for sacrificing his Christmas eve/ morning in order to play Santa at the shelter and give our animals all the love and attention they deserve!

Joan McBurnie
Fryeburg, ME
Harvest Hills Animal Shelter, Inc