Christmas Smiles for Seniors
Christmas Smiles for Seniors:
Every year our community purchases gifts for the seniors in Ottawa and surrounding areas. We find gifts for over 1500 lonely & low income residents. Covid-19 has changed how we can safely proceed, for the protection of our volunteers and seniors. Last week our city put more restrictions (back to Phase 2 & Red Zone). Last weekend, I decided I wouldn’t be able to proceed for a few different reasons. I was visibly heartbroken. A coworker thought of this idea, I am again hopeful we can still reach everyone we did last year!
Our senior community has been our most vulnerable in our community, due to the risks of covid many have been stuck inside, so many without visitors for months (due to restrictions), no group activities - we have lost so many people in residences this year. Please help me give them a reason to smile this holiday.
Depending how much money is received will determine how much we can give to the seniors in our community.
Goal 1: $10,000 = box of chocolates & handwritten card.
Goal 2: $15,000 = box of chocolates & handwritten card plus one small item (ie. puzzle/colouring book/ornament/etc)
Ultimate Goal: $20,000 = Small care package & handwritten card.
We have almost reached our first goal and I am THRILLED! I was so worried. It may not be what they usually receive but we will remind our seniors that their community is thinking of them! THANK YOU!
Extra Information:
Our website pretty inactive as it doesn’t receive enough traffic to put extra time into, but it does have the history of this incredible program. www.christmassmiles.ca
Facebook is an amazing source of advertisement and information, this is up-to-date with videos and pictures of the last few years. I am consistently updating our followers. www.facebook.com/smilesforseniors
100% of money raised goes directly to our senior community. What isn’t used one year is in an account that is used when needed the next. *This is not a registered charity.* This program doesn’t usually seek financial donations. In the past and once safe to proceed, our program asks our volunteers to purchase personalized gifts for our residents. Therefore, we simply don’t have ‘extra’ money.
*Smiles for Seniors finds gifts for lonely, low income seniors in our community. However, we decided that residences that also house those with mental disabilities will receive gifts for all residents that meet those two qualifications. We felt we couldn’t only give to a few residents in the home and not give to the others who are living in the exact same conditions… many who wouldn’t understand why some receive gifts and others don't. We currently have 6 residences (of 64) that have both seniors and people with disabilities. If you'd like more information on this, please feel free to ask.
Donating isn’t the only way to help, please consider sharing our fundraiser.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.