Christy's journey to remove a rare tumor!
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Hey everyone its Kevin, Christy’s dad. As many of you know Christy has had trouble breathing since the beginning of 2023. She has had a rare fast growing benign tumor. By March they had to give her a tracheotomy. She also had to stop working. We took her to Advent Health in Orlando in June, and Jacksonville Mayo Clinic in September for surgeries to remove the tumor. Both were unsuccessful. We had found Doctor Lott at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona back in June. Jax Mayo referred us to him. He is the top expert in larynx and trachea reconstruction in our country. He also does transplants and has artificial larynx and trachea parts. On November 2nd, after a 7.5 hour surgery, Dr. Lott had removed 99% of the tumor. He also said she has an 85% chance this will NOT come back. She currently has a feeding tube and her tracheotomy. Once she can swallow on her own, the tube will be removed with the Doctors approval. He also told us, that after she has healed and everything looks ok, he will remove the tracheotomy. She will have to stay in Arizona close to the clinic for at least 3-4 weeks. From day one, that’s all Christy has wanted, was to not have a hole in her neck! She did come to realize and except, that she may just have to lose her voice box, and she was being so strong and positive if that was the outcome. Well, God gave us the miracle in Dr. Lott and his team!
Debbie and I felt uncomfortable, and didn’t want to make a go fund me account. Many of my cousins and friends thought we should. They have told us that many folks have asked how they could help. We appreciate all the love, support and prayers that you have given Christy and us during this very trying year! It means the world to us!
Since Christy stopped working, we began paying her medical insurance. It’s just under $800 a month, which we have adjusted to be part of our monthly budget. It’s the three Airbnb’s ($5,145.74), plane tickets, rental cars ($1,269.36) and added expenses that have put us over the top. We’ve just been racking it all up on our credit card. This is if they are able to come home by the 20th. If they have to stay longer, the numbers will go up. Thank you dearly for all of you that have already supported us. As they say, sometimes it takes a village.
Dr Lott
Christy visiting New York City, with Auntie Diane and Anna a few years ago!

Kevin Baker
Melbourne, FL