Cindy's Dog Attack
On 01/19/17 Cindy was attacked by a stray pit bull as we walked the 5 blocks home from our weekly pool date. She had open toe shoes on and she had to limp home with my assistance so that we could get her in the car and to ER. We though it would be a routine surgery, rabbis shots, tetanus shot and stitches.... Unfortunately we were wrong between the dogs dirty mouth and her foot touch the ground as I tried desperately to get her to the car she ended up with 3 bacteria and 2 fungus (one of which is still unknown). In a week's time she has had 4 surgeries with no sign of improvment. To make matters worse on us she had just started a new job which means insurance hadn't kicked in yet. Doctors say she won't be out until after valentine's day, and after that she will have a private nurse 24 hrs a day for 6-8 weeks. After that there will be no weight bearing for 22-24 weeks and then physio and then back to the hospital for skin grafts. All this comes after they finally control infections. Her medical bills is currently $30,000, this doesn't include the fees that will be accumulating for the next month. I spend every night by her side wake and go to work and do it again over and over. We are on the verge of losing our home because I can't afford the bills alone and due to her being heavily medicated we can't get power of attorney. This was an awful accident that has left a young woman temporarily (maybe permanently) disabled. To owners with large dogs please take the time to double check your fences and enclosure to make sure noone else suffers as my wife does. Its sad how an innocent evening filled with love has turned into a nightmare for us. I have also posted pictures of her foot and will update as I can. *WARNING* SOME PHOTOS MAY BE OFFENSIVE OR GRAPHIC.