Citizens Against Terramor
Donation protected
Visit our WEBSITE: Citizens Against Terramor
*All donations are gratefully accepted, large and small.
(donate through GoFundMe - Paul Thurman, CAT Board Member, is our business representative to collect these donations
OR send checks directly to Citizens Against Terramor - see our website for details and mailing address)
Are you concerned about the overdevelopment in our beautiful community?
Do you live near the area of Saugerstock, between Woodstock and Saugerties? Or have friends who do?
Are you worried about increased traffic and accidents along Route 212?
Do you want to preserve our wildlife, wetlands and ecosystem?
We are neighbors and citizens against Terramor OutDoor Resort’s overdevelopment in our community. We live in the residential area between Saugerties and Woodstock along the popular Route 212 that connects Woodstock and Saugerties.
Terramor OutDoor Resorts is a Corporation owned by KOA. KOA is Kampgrounds of America, the world's largest system of privately held campgrounds with more than 500 locations across the United States and Canada. Terramor has proposed a glamping resort along 212 for up to 270 visitors per day on a 77-acre parcel in Saugerties. Many of the 90 proposed structures will be 100 feet from the border of Woodstock.
We established an business identity and retained an attorney, an engineer, and a hydrolygist. We created banners and signs, are on FB and IG and are looking to further our visibility and expand our outreach to the public through multi-media. We have over 32,000 signatures on our Change.org petition. We've raised over $11,000 in donations and our website is live. We are going to fight to preserve our local wetlands and ecosystems!
Interested in joining our community? We need your help! We need financial assistance to operate at our highest level and manifest our shared vision. We need volunteers with varying capabilities: attending board meetings with signs, spreading the word, and funding.
Here are 4 ways you can help!
Donate Money
*All donations are gratefully accepted, large and small.
(donate through GoFundMe - Paul Thurman, CAT Board member, is acting as our LLC representative to collect these donations
OR send checks directly to Citizens Against Terramor - see our website for details and mailing address)
Donate Time
If you have special skills and experience related to any of this,
please let us know.
Join and share our Facebook Page & or Instagram Page
Concerned Citizens Against Terramor Overdevelopment
Email your friends! Write letters to your town council and local representatives!
Just some of the reasons we oppose this development:
Terramor has proposed a glamping resort along 212 (close to South Peak Vet) for up to 270 visitors per day on a 77 acre parcel in Saugerties. Many of the 90 proposed structures will be 100 feet from the border of Woodstock.
The proposed structures include a dormitory, lodge, bar, restaurant, swimming pool, maintenance building, wellness center, dog park and 75 campsites each with private bathrooms and showers.
The proposal also includes accommodations for special events and weddings.
TRAFFIC: The Terramor traffic study was performed in February, on a Thursday, during a pandemic, and therefore the results are not reliable. The addition of 270 visitors per day on an already busy section of 212 will further exacerbate the dangerous intersection of Glasco and 212 as well as significantly increasing traffic at the intersection of 375 and 212.
AIR CONTAMINATION:The proposal includes 75 wood fire pits and a large community wood fire pit. According to John Wargo, a Yale scientist, “the ability of very fine particles to enter indoor environments from outdoor burning is well documented. Small particles can have a strongly negative effect on human health, causing and exacerbating lung diseases, triggering cardiovascular events, cancers and premature deaths. Health loss can occur at air pollution levels well below regulatory standards”.
FIRE HAZARD: The location of 75 fire pits includes approximately 40 within 100 feet of the Woodstock border. The fire department responsible will be Centerville but could further strain the Woodstock Fire department as well.
WETLANDS LOSS: The proposal includes an “offset” of wetlands that are “very likely contiguous” between Woodstock and Saugerties. These 10 acres of vital wetlands improve water quality through natural filtration of pollutants, serving as (nature’s kidneys) as well as providing important habitat for wildlife. According to Andy Mossey from the Woodstock Land Conservancy “ The Terramor parcel has been identified by Hudsonia as an area of Climate interest and unique conservation value”
PESTICIDE TOXINS: Due to the wetness of this parcel, mosquitos will likely be a significant issue and require the use of pesticides. According to Chemscore the mosquito and insect pesticides (Ecolab) being proposed by Terramor have a D+ rating.
WELL WATER USEAGE: Terramor has not provided assurances that the substantial water usage from an olympic sized swimming pool and 75 showers being used by 270 guests per day will not impact the aquifer and the shared water use with the town of Woodstock.
WATER RUNOFF: While the historic flooding problems on Osnas Lane were partially mitigated with recent drainage improvements, the high water table in this area cannot afford to have even more surface runoff added to it. Every extra non-permeable surface on the property will contribute to runoff.
HABITAT LOSS: Rather than clustering, the proposal spreads 90 structures throughout the parcel resulting in significant habitat fragmentation. The Hudson Valley Resource Mapper indicates that the development area is a known important area for rare terrestrial animals.
The parcel contains three significant wetlands as well as forest and has been identified by Hudsonia as an area of “Climate interest and unique conservation value”.
More details of the KOA Terramor OutDoor Resort can be found here:
In Gratitude,
Citizens Against Terramor
Organizer and beneficiary
Citizens Against Terramor
Woodstock, NY
Paul Thurman