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Heal Fancy

Spende geschützt
As many of y'all know, I do a lot of work with animals. I currently have 12 foster dogs on top of my personal dogs. Not sure what sparked the incident but there was a large dog fight when I was getting food bowls ready for dinner. Fancy, my 10.5year old heeler was the victim. She was unresponsive so I scooped her up and rushed her to the emergency vet nearby. So far I have paid almost $1000 for her X-rays and oxygen. Havnt been told what it will cost to fix her completey. I don't ever ask for help, but this isn't about my pride. I would appreciate any help with the medical expenses.
I don't have any pictures of her wounds at the moment, but I attached photos of me covered in her blood.



  • Amber Huff
    • $25
    • 9 yrs


Lynsie Rae
Conroe, TX

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