Clarke Street Fire Victims Support Fund
UPDATED - On July 28th a fire broke out in the 2400 block of Clarke Street in the historic business district of Port Moody. We have confirmed with Tim Savoie the City Manager that the City is currently providing assistance to four individuals who were residential tenants and have been displaced as a result of this devastating fire. This support from the city can continue for another 48 hours only (72 hours total). Displaced tenants can apply for government assistance but that takes time and sadly they do not always meet the criteria.
We have been advised by staff at the City that there were in fact six residents impacted. We have now heard from two of the other impacted residents and are waiting to hear what their needs are.
The two victims who lost their homes have standalone GoFundMe pages started by friends, we felt that something needed to be done to enable support to other victims as well.
Myself, Monique Balaski, Sydney Van Alstyne and the rest of the team at Redstamp have created this campaign to assist all of those impacted by the fire. I have been in touch with all six impacted residents and they are all coming to grips with their new realities. They are appreciative of all the community support and outreach. Two of the residents are now without a place to call home, one as many of you know has a cat and elderly dog which will further complicate his efforts to find a new place.
We know some people have furniture that they are offering to victims and others have already assisted with pet food and medication; however, with the shock and reality of losing everything it will take time for people to come to grips with their own situations. One resident whose apartment was saved by firefighters has now been able to move back we helped him replace his mattress set and linens, we also provided additional nights in the hotel while he was making his apartment habitable. Due to the power outage and the length of time he was not in his apartment we also provided him with gift cards for grocery purchases.
I have also been in touch with the owner of Cocoaro Craft Chocolate. She has lost stock and will not be able to make chocolate for some time, we have told her we can assist her if needed for which she is appreciative.
If you are interested in donating your support would be greatly appreciate (any amount helps , do note that the amount GoFundMe charges can be reduced when making a donation).
At this point we are not aware of the specific needs of any of the displaced tenants but we think that having a pool of funds available to them is likely the best way to assist them moving forward.
If you have any furniture or other items you want to donate please message us as well.
We are in contact with the Port Moody Police Victims Services team and city hall staff to ensure that we connect with the other resident who has not yet come forward. Any funds raised which are not needed by victims will be redirected to local charity.
I will be withdrawing the funds in my name from the campaign to my personal account in order to purchase items for the affected individuals and pay for bills (hotel, vehicle rental, storage space).