Clearing the Way: Combat Engineers
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23 Field Squadron, Combat Engineers in Kandahar, 2006 - 2007, 1RCR Battle Group, Petawawa, Ontario
The film is based on the book of the same name. This is the true story of 23 Field Squadron, Canadian Combat Engineers, deployed to the Kandahar area in Southern Afghanistan, from August 2006 until March, 2007. The documentary film includes first-hand accounts by the soldiers who were there—what they saw and what they did, for the Canadian, coalition and Afghan Forces in the region and for each other.
Charged with the responsibility of taming the harsh Kandahar terrain, the Canadian Combat Engineers took on many rolls and overcame enormous obstacles—figuratively and literally. From building forward operating bases (FOBs) to constructing roads—all while operating in an environment saturated with improvised explosive devices (IEDs)—many call the Canadian Combat Engineers the unsung heroes of Canada's Afghan War.
Since the film's initial completion and successful world premiere in October of 2017 as part of the Forest City Film Festival, it has been screened in numerous festivals, military bases, and other community locations across Canada, the United States, and world wide.
Ongoing funds raised support the initial production expenses for the project as well as supporting future expenses to help continue to share the film with as many Canadians as possible.
Your contributions help us in our goal of telling the story of 23 Field Squadron and the larger story of Canadian soldiers.
Thank you for your support.
For those interested, here is the link to order the book aswell.