Cleft palate awareness
On the 24/06/24 my 3yr 9month old son was diagnosed with a cleft palate. Much to everyone's disbelief of how it has been missed for so long, he is hopefully on the correct path to get it fixed.
Throughout July which is Cleft and Craniofacial month I shall be completing a 700 squats challenge to mark my son being 1 in 700 born with a cleft palate (or lip).
As some of you might know and if you don't me and fitness do not see eye to eye so this is going to be a hard challenge for me to stick to but I will if it means that no more children have to go this long without having a diagnosis!
Any money raised will go to the Cleft lip and palate association- CLAPA to help fund vital information and specialist feeding equipment that parents may need. All of which would have benefited my son if only it was picked up when he was younger.
I would like to thank you all in advance for any donations that are made, even the smallest amounts can make a difference.
Chantelle (Daisy) ✨
DAY 2 - I am proud to say I have already completed 80 squats and my legs are feeling the burn - 620 to go!
Chantelle Clifford
Cleft Lip and Palate Association