Clements Family Adoption
The Clements Family has a sincere desire to grow their family through adoption. Adoption has been a part of their plan from the beginning, although no one knew exactly how it would become a reality! Anyone that knows their family has seen how much of a blessing the adoption of Silas, who is now 2 years old, has been!
From Justin and Elizabeth:
We are so excited and ready to start the journey to add another child to our family!
For anyone who isn’t familiar with the history of adoption in our family we wanted to give a little recap! We were not able to naturally have children of our own so we went through years of fertility treatments and eventually In Vitro Fertilization, all of which were unsuccessful. Little did anyone know that God had a plan for our family that did not involve any of our own efforts but only His divine intervention! Seven days after receiving the results of the unsuccessful IVF procedure we received a phone call from a friend asking if we were ready to adopt a baby! Having already known our desire to adopt at some point we immediately said yes! We met Silas’s birthmother the next day and she made the decision to allow us to adopt Silas that very weekend! Silas was born 4 weeks after we received the first phone call, during which time all adoption legalities were prepared and put into place. Silas’s birth was a glorious occasion in which God’s provision for everyone involved was so very evident. God provided us with the child our hearts had longed for, Silas’s birthmother with the family she knew would love and care for her son, and Silas with a family and community that would surround him with love, point him towards Christ, and give God all the glory for his precious life!
All of this to say, we certainly have an appreciation, a love, and a desire for adoption. It is an earthly depiction of God’s love on display.
We are very excited to start this journey and appreciate any financial support you want to and are able to give! The average cost of a domestic adoption is $30,000 to $40,000 so we are hopeful and grateful for any assistance with overcoming this financial hurdle!
Thank you for your time, your love, and your support!