Climbing Snowdon For Sands
Hi all,
Myself and my friends are climbing Mount Snowdon I thought I would start a small go fund me page to raise money for Sands.
Nearly 10 years ago my family and myself included were devastated when we lost the newest member of our family at that time (my nephew), Isaac.
Due to complications at birth we sadly lost Isaac at just 15 hours old and this left us all with a massive void in our hearts, especially Isaac's parents.
Sands did help support members of our family during this time and also others families who are affected by these types of tragedies.
With funding Sands aim to support families and provide funds to research as to why these tragedies happen and how they can be prevented. On average 13 families a day suffer the loss of a baby, which equates to approximately 4500 babies each year.
So if you want to see this couch potatoe at Snowdon peak please donate! We will be extremely grateful for any donations.
Thank you.
Elliot Taylor
Sands (Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society)