Club 1903 Supporting First Flight Society
Tax deductible
Want to join me in making a difference? Make a recurring or even a one time gift of at least $20 and become a member of Club 1903 supporting the First Flight Society.
Any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.
The First Flight Society's primary mission is to tell the story of the Wright Brothers through community events, education, and the commemoration of the world’s very first powered flight, in Kitty Hawk, NC. The FFS vision is that One day people everywhere will be inspired by the dauntless resolution and tireless work of the Wright Brothers. First Flight Society invites and promotes visits to the Wright Brothers National Memorial, so all may see the birthplace of powered flight.
Your donation will help us spread the story of the past, present and future of aviation to the world!
Please join Club 1903 now. The cost of two or three skipped espressos will help First Flight Society expand its programming and scholarships for years to come.

FFS President
Kitty Hawk, NC
First Flight Society