¿Cómo podemos ayudar a Sandra Pinardi?
Donation protected
(eng. below)
Estimados amigos:
Estimados amigos:
Como es de todos conocidos, nuestra querida Profesora Sandra Pinardi atraviesa actualmente por un momento muy delicado de salud, que ha requerido dos hospitalizaciones en lo que va de mes la primera en el Centro Médico de San Bernardino (desde el 13 al 15 de octubre) y la segunda en la Clínica La Arboleda (desde el día 7 hasta el día 9 de noviembre) además de la compra de medicinas, un concentrador de oxígeno e insumos diversos.
A partir del día 9 de noviembre, y por sugerencia de los médicos, Sandra va a seguir un proceso de hospitalización en su casa con el fin de no sumarle un cuadro de angustia a su frágil condición médica, cuya manifestación más visible gira en torno a una deficiencia respiratoria crónica que se ha agudizado recientemente.
Estos cuidados van a requerir de un esfuerzo continuado de recolección de fondos. Por los momentos, se ha elaborado un presupuesto aproximado que incluye honorarios médicos, enfermeras, equipo médico indispensable (como cama clínica, toma de vías, etc.), y medicamentos que puede cubrir, en lo inmediato, una etapa inicial y el cual alcanza la suma de $18000 dólares.
Quisiéramos invitar a ofrecer sus contribuciones a todos aquellos que puedan sumarse a este esfuerzo para acompañar, cuando más lo necesita, a quien tanto ha aportado a nuestras vidas, personal e intelectualmente, así como a la formación de generaciones de artistas y filósofos y a la comprensión cultural de Venezuela.
Estaremos ofreciendo la información lo más detallada posible de los gastos y los próximos requerimientos.
Firman: grupo de amigos que acompañan a Sandra y a Nicolás García Pinardi
Marcos Aguilar
Izamar Alvarez
Carmen Araujo
Iván Barreto
Egleé Belisario
Izamar Alvarez
Carmen Araujo
Iván Barreto
Egleé Belisario
Rafael Castillo Zapata
Eleonora Cróquer
Carmen Alicia Di Pasquale
Magdalena Fernández
Enrique Fdez-Shaw A.
Caroline Heredia A.
Luis Lizardo
Emilia Mauri
Luis Montenegro Lafont
Luis Enrique Pérez Oramas
Gerardo Rosales
Gerardo Rosales
Patricia Velasco
Marina Wecksler
Ricardo Zavarce
Ricardo Zavarce
Julia Zurilla
Dear Friends,
As many of you may know our cherished Professor Sandra Pinardi is going through a tough and delicate health situation which has required her hospitalization twice in less than a month, beside the purchase of medicines, an oxygen concentrator and other medical supplies. The first hospitalization was at the Centro Medico of San Bernardino, (from October 13th to the 15th ) and the second one the most recent one, at the Clinica La Arboleda (from November 7th till the 9th ) in Caracas, Venezuela.
From November 9th following the doctor’s suggestions Sandra will be following a “House Based Hospitalization”, in order to decrease the anguish state of her very fragile medical condition, which has as its most visible manifestation in a chronic respiratory deficiency that has recently worsen.
To take care of her we will require the continuation of fundraising efforts. Up until this moment we have come up with an approximate budget. which will cover the immediate needs in this initial phase This budget reaches US $ 18.000,00 and it includes medical doctors and nurses fees, essential medical equipment, (such as a medical bed, intravenous lines, etc.) and medication.
We would like to invite you all, who can kindly contribute and support this effort, that its very much needed and accompany her in this moment. Sandra has given so much to our lives, personally, intellectually, and of course in the educational an culture field in the understanding of Venezuela.
We will be responsible and offer detailed information of the expenses as for further requirements.
Undersigned: group of friends that accompany Sandra and Nicolas Garcia Pinardi.
Dear Friends,
As many of you may know our cherished Professor Sandra Pinardi is going through a tough and delicate health situation which has required her hospitalization twice in less than a month, beside the purchase of medicines, an oxygen concentrator and other medical supplies. The first hospitalization was at the Centro Medico of San Bernardino, (from October 13th to the 15th ) and the second one the most recent one, at the Clinica La Arboleda (from November 7th till the 9th ) in Caracas, Venezuela.
From November 9th following the doctor’s suggestions Sandra will be following a “House Based Hospitalization”, in order to decrease the anguish state of her very fragile medical condition, which has as its most visible manifestation in a chronic respiratory deficiency that has recently worsen.
To take care of her we will require the continuation of fundraising efforts. Up until this moment we have come up with an approximate budget. which will cover the immediate needs in this initial phase This budget reaches US $ 18.000,00 and it includes medical doctors and nurses fees, essential medical equipment, (such as a medical bed, intravenous lines, etc.) and medication.
We would like to invite you all, who can kindly contribute and support this effort, that its very much needed and accompany her in this moment. Sandra has given so much to our lives, personally, intellectually, and of course in the educational an culture field in the understanding of Venezuela.
We will be responsible and offer detailed information of the expenses as for further requirements.
Undersigned: group of friends that accompany Sandra and Nicolas Garcia Pinardi.
Fundraising team: Equipo de recaudación de fondos (2)
Julia Zurilla
Miami, FL
Caroline Heredia
Team member