Help Evie Get The Treatment She Needs
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Thank you for visiting our page, we are fundraising to allow Evie to get the life changing treatment she needs and help us with medical costs.
You can click here to watch Evie's story , or read below:
In 2013/14 Evie suddenly became very anxious and withdrawn. This was diagnosed as social anxiety and later, depression. Within a year Evie was throwing away her lunch at school, hiding in the library, hurting herself and wasn't the bubbly girl we all knew. We eventually had to pull her out of school. In 2016 came the second wave, she became delusional and extremely paranoid. Evie didn't believe I was her mum, and believed there were 'wanted' posters on lamp posts with her picture on, and she was being searched for by 'bad guys'. This was all very out of character and we struggled to keep Evie safe. I didn't recognise her. Hallucinations, imaginary friends, it was endless. The same year, her seizures started. Seizures are one of Evie's biggest struggles and always have been. She has had thousands. They are very debilitating and difficult for all of us. Following this in 2018 her mobility began to deteriorate. Evie lost full function of her legs for a month, then had periods of paralysis in her arms, and sometimes from the neck down. This was still put down to her 'mental health.' Dystonia is another one of Evie's main symptoms (involuntary muscle contractions, often painful and unnatural positions) this can affect her hands, wrists, fingers, ankles and toes.
Now, Evie finally has the correct diagnosis of Autoimmune Encephalitis. (AE) This means her brain is inflamed which causes all of her symptoms including the psychiatric difficulties. She is also diagnosed with many infections in her body including Bartonella, Babesia & chronic Lyme Disease.
(learn about these here:
- Lyme Disease: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/lyme-disease/
- Bartonella & Babesia: https://aspire.care/blog/bartonella-babesia-coinfections/ )
The NHS do not treat the condition Evie has, so we have to go private. We have tried at home oral medication for her which has had really positive effects (decrease in seizures, episodes, huge mental health improvement etc) but this is all temporary and Evie cannot be on antibiotics long term due to more risk to her health. Just a few days after being on antibiotics all her symptoms come back full force. So we were running out of options to get Evie better for the long run. We found a clinic in Poland which specialises in this horrible condition. She is having her first infusion for Bartonella in January 2024. This infusion is called SOT treatment.
After this initial infusion, she will need a few more to help her body kill off the chronic infections. Then, the end goal is for Evie to have a infusion called IVIG. (Intravenous Immunoglobulin) This will help her compromised immune system. Due to having an SOT infusion first, the doctor thinks this will have benefits and so Evie is having a lower dose of IVIG, but this will still cost us up to £15 ,000, not including getting to Poland. It is likely Evie will need more rounds in the future as her condition was left untreated and misdiagnosed.
How your donations help: Not only will it help Evie get the treatment she needed so long ago, it will support us getting to Poland, accommodation while we are there, and a new wheelchair for Evie to better accommodate her needs. Her current wheelchair is chunky, broken in places, and not the easiest to travel with!
Any donation no matter what size helps. We want to help Evie get her life back, get her well again and allow her to have a normal life. Thank you for your kindness <3

Sam Field