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Bucket List Trip for Coach Oakley

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Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read our plea. Our names are Adam and Aaron Oakley. Two months ago our family got news about our dad that changed our lives. Our dad, John Oakley, was diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease."

Dad's diagnosis has shaken our entire family. We have been so touched by the outpouring of thoughts, prayers, and kind words. The last couple months have been tough on the family, but the support we have received has reconfirmed just how many people our father has touched.

Dad has been a teacher in Spokane, WA for 35 years. In that time he has taught thousands of children and coached thousands more! As his sons we are incredibly honored to call him our dad. But he has been so much more than that. Our dad was actually our 6th grade teacher. Furthermore, from the time we were 3, he has been our coach. Aaron and I have followed Dad's lead. We are both teachers now. We both coach. Most importantly we are both fathers. Our father is our inspiration, our hero and our best friend.

Our family is incredibly close. One thing that has brought us together from the time Aaron and I were babies is…BASEBALL! Dad played baseball and softball when we were little. He coached every one of our baseball teams until we got to high school and he claimed we threw too hard for him to catch us. He and Mom were our “Number 1 Fans” when we played. My mom used to remind us every June 9th (their wedding anniversary) that every one of their wedding anniversaries, until Aaron and I were in college, were spent at the ball field. Family vacations were planned around ballparks we had never been to.

Our dream has always been to visit every major league ballpark and the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY. We have visited many stadiums in our lives, but there are still a few we need to get to. Aaron and I would love to be able to take dad on a dream trip! Our plan is fly to Boston and then to start our road trip. We will be visiting 5 ballparks (Fenway Park in Boston, Yankee Stadium and Citi Field in New York, Citizens Bank Ballpark in Philadelphia, and National’s Park in Washington D.C.) in 7 days, with the Hall of Fame mixed in the middle.

Aaron and I both have young families. This trip has been a dream that we were planning on taking when dad retired. That plan has changed. We need to take this trip now. For all three of us. Thank you so much for your consideration and any help you can provide. If you aren’t able to help us financially, please throw a prayer dad’s way!


  • Kimberly Krumrei
    • $20
    • 8 yrs


Adam Oakley
Spokane, WA

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