Firstly, thanks to everyone who helped make Coastal Currents 2019 happen.
It was a battle of wills at times and I am so thankful to everyone who helped contribute in tiny ways right up to those that stepped up and helped financially.
However, it was also an uphill struggle to kick-start the faith in finding the cash, and the only way we could move forward with confidence was the crowdfunder and our generous supporters. This allowed us to leverage other funding against it and just about squeeze enough out of many different supporters to put on the festival you saw happen!
But we did it on a shoestring.
Helped support the creative economy of the area on essentially buttons.
So many people worked so hard, as they love what the Festival does and what it stands for.
The September buzz.
The art on the streets.
The collaborations.
Most of all, the opportunities…
To be seen,
To make art,
For fun,
To sell things,
To make friends,
For commissions.
To explore, learn and participate.
For education and inspiration.
An extension of the season but with a beautiful focus on what is good from here.
The people and things that inspire.
We can't do it without you!
So, help us do it all again...
(We must be mad)
If we can meet at least the £5k like last year, we can start this crazy wheel turning again.
We are acting as if it is on the cards, but nothing can happen without some funding...
So help us make Coastal Currents Arts Festival 2020 a reality.
Share the 2020 fundraiser as we need at least the full £5k before March!
Please share this link with everyone you know!
We are looking to crowd fund at least the first 5K which will allow us to be able to go for match funding with the Arts Council and make the festival happen again in 2020.
Look what we did with your money this year...we promise to make 2020 just as good!
We want to do more amazing things like the street art we did this year that really impacts those who live on the south coast.
The Grand Postcard Hunt which the kids loved as they could collect their very own first piece of art!
Exhibitions in unusual spaces...
Student Workshops and exhibitions run and managed by the festival to engage the next generation...
And of course the beloved Open Studios...
Images by Alexander Brattell