California Delegates (CD14)
We are your elected Bernie Delegates for California's Congressional District 14 - you know the San Francisco peninsula from So. San Francisco down to Silicon Valley.
Depending on the June 7th California Primary most of us will be traveling and representing you, the voters, at the conventions. We will represent you well!
We need your support in making two trips. First we go to Longbeach for the California Convention, and then to Philadelphia for the 2016 Democratic National Convention.
We travel light, share accomodations and will gladly accept offers of lodging, meals and frequesnt flyer miles to reduce costs.
All funds raised will be used to support Bernie delegates convention travel expenses, Bernie's bid for the White house and important progressive candidates.
If you support us - we promise to represent Bernie, our loved ones and you our brothers and sisters to the best of our ability.
In Solidarity,
Bruce, Bobbi, Gus, Elsa, Zenaida, Basem, Holly & Alex