Colby's Army Fundraiser with Horse Radio Network
Please join listeners of the Horse Radio Network as we raise funding to cover health care for twelve months for Lex, a Colby's Army therapy horse who has developed photic head shaking. This is an uncommon condition where light can cause a horse to continually bob or jerk his head up and down.
Lex is a seventeen-year-old Shire-Belgian-Thoroughbred cross who has been a beloved therapy horse with us for five years. He is our largest horse at 16.2 and 1,550 pounds. He teaches riders to walk and trot independently, but also takes great care of his more challenged riders who need a leader and two sidewalkers. Not only is Lex tolerant of absolutely everyone and everything, he is engaged in his lessons, loves to play with the puzzles and toys, and has as much fun on our sensory trail as our riders do. Lex also gladly lends his large body to his humans who sometimes need to hug his neck for a good cry or a great laugh.A year ago, Lex developed a severe case of photic headshaking, and despite many trial and error combinations of medicines, antihistamines, face masks, and supplements, it became apparent that he was going to have to be retired from the program. Staff, volunteers, and participants alike: we were all devastated. Then we hit on an antihistamine/supplement combination that completely eliminated all symptoms. Lex returned to lessons in June, patiently teaching riding skills, horse health, leadership, teamwork, and much more. Plus, he again feels well enough to get a glint in his eye, put his front feet into the 100 gallon water trough, lean back, and tip it over. What fun!
Our award-winning therapeutic riding program helps people age five and up learn needed life skills, and also provides a community in which participants can develop friendships, and participate in events such as parades, community suppers, volunteer projects, and special projects.
Colby's Army and the Horse Radio Network will be hosting a way cool songwriter concert headlined by the amazing Templeton Thompson on Monday, December 13 at 7:00 PM central. The concert will be broadcast live on several Facebook pages including the Horse Radio Network's page.
Lex's medical costs are a little over $4,000 a year. But it provides him a normal life and allows him to positively impact many of our most fragile riders. You can donate before, during, or after the concert event! You can even donate right now! Every donation is tax deductible according to applicable laws. Learn more at, and be sure to watch our video below.
Many thanks to Templeton Thompson, Sam Gay, Hands On Gloves, The Horse Radio Network, and all who donated prizes for the event.
And thank you for considering donating. Colby's Army is a volunteer-driven organization, so every dollar goes to programming, or to take care of the most fabulous therapy horses ever. THANK YOU!