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Cole Tritz

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In 2016, Cole was  diagnosed with what doctors called Mosaic Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS). Where BWS is rare, Mosaic BWS is even more rare. With full blown BWS, the probability of developing tumors is in the range of 30-40%. Because Cole's symptoms were mosaic, they felt that these probabilities were slightly less, more in the realm of 20-30%. With this diagnosis, Cole has been getting ultrasounds every 3 months to scan his kidneys as well as blood tests. This is required until age 8.

This past Christmas, our worst nightmare came true when doctors discovered a Wilm's tumor in Cole's kidney during one of his regular 3-month checkups.  Although Wilms tumors are cancerous, they are very treatable. The doctor's believe Cole has 4 present in his kidney.

Cole's team at Texas Childrens decided to do chemo in order to shrink the tumors before removing. Cole got a port put in and started treatment within 2 weeks of diagnosis. He will receive chemo weekly for 22 weeks and they will do another CT scan at 6 weeks. At that time, they will determine if it’s small enough to remove through surgery. The goal is to preserve as much kidney as possible as Cole is still at risk for tumor development in the other kidney. 

We ask for your prayers for protection and healing for Cole. We ask for prayer for Sarah and Zach as they faithfully push forward the next 6 months. We also ask for positivity and happiness around Cole, which is the easiest part because he is a child bursting with happiness each day. 

If you feel called to contribute to Cole's medical expenses, this is the best way to do so.


  • Justin Belk
    • $200
    • 7 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Emily Loftis
Houston, TX
Zach Tritz

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