Coleville Wolves Football needs you
My son's football team, the Coleville Wolves, need your help in outfitting their team with newer football gear, safety equipment and training equipment.
Coleville High School is made up of approximately 50 students which includes kids from the local military installation (Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center), Walker and Bridgeport, California. They play 8 person football here due to the size of the school and travel all across Nevada to play their games. To say that it is a small community is a understatement with the nearest Walmart 30 miles away.
These kids have so much heart and a AMAZING football record leaving everything out on the field with every game. They are in need of a upgrade to pretty much everything including their field.
Any amount you are willing to donate to help support these kids is appreciated...it all will add up to giving these kids the support they deserve!
Thanks for the support and "GO WOLVES!"