Coco Carico needs help after being shot in back
We can finally begin telling Coco's story. It's been a long 24 days, and he's still healing. His incisions will heal, but the bullet severed his spinal cord.
My family, as well as Coco himself, have always supported law enforcement, and we always will... his grandfather is a retired State Trooper. That being said, I'm making it personal to advocate for more training in mental crisis situations. Mental health is one of the most important areas in medical care and also the most unaddressed issue in the U.S., especially in law enforcement. You can raise your children right, to be respectful and to be good people, but that doesn't mean that they won't ever have a mental crisis.
What happened to Coco was tragic, he needed help and was shot in the back instead. Unfortunately, his story isn't isolated, his attorney handles cases all over the U.S. that involves under trained law enforcement in similar situations. Until it happens to you or your loved ones, you probably don't realize that there is a real need for more training, especially in mental health crisis.
If you would like to help in supporting mental health crisis intervention involving law enforcement, please message me. I'd love to hear ideas, thoughts, and avenues of preventing this tragedy from being done in vain. #justiceforcoco #cocostrong
Hi, my name is Cindy, I'm Coco's mom. Everyone that knows Coco, knows he loves life and isn't scared to live life to the fullest. He rode bucking horses and bulls in high-school. He loves snowboarding and hiking in the mountains. He's an avid fisherman and hunter. If it's outdoors, he loves it. He's a talented singer songwriter and loves playing his guitar, especially with his big brother, Trever.
On June 1, Coco was shot in the back and his life has changed forever. He spent 5 days in the ICU, and is now on the spinal floor at an undisclosed location for his protection. He's alive and healing, and for that I'm thankful, but the bullet went through his spinal cord. His injury caused paralysis from his waist down.. We lost his little brother to leukemia 9 years ago, and that was hard on us all. And now he is having to relearn how to live, and face not being able to enjoy all the things he used to.
He's now paralyzed. He's unable to work, has no insurance, and we're renovating his room and bathroom to accommodate his new needs. He'll also have to have a vehicle that he can drive with his new disability.
We're asking for assistance to help with medical expenses, construction, vehicle, and living costs. Any amount will help, and will greatly appreciated.
Thanks from the bottom of our hearts