Firewood for Standing Rock
***If you're at camp and wish to purchase and receive firewood, please see bottom note!***
Special thanks to Yellow Brick Pizza and Boynton Middle School 6th grade class in Ithaca, NY and everyone who donated what they could.
Campaign Timeline: outlines what we were able to do with your donations.
Thanksgiving day, 2016: We had it. Campaign created.
December 2-5: Information seeking trip to Oceti Sakowin and delivery of items for the Mni Wiconi Midwives, medics and about $1300 in winter items to the camp as a whole.
December 4: Permit Denied
December 21: 4 cords delivered to Oceti Oyate
December 21: 2 LifeStraw Community high volume water filtration systems ordered.These arrived at camp in early January and are in use near the medic yurts.
December 23: driver illegally stopped by Morton County Police Department and instructed to turn around or face a $750 fine.
December 26-Jan 2: Worked on getting paperwork together to allow driver for safe passage. 100+ phone calls to federal, state, and local level agencies and departments, including the USDA (US, ND, MN), The Department of Natural Resources (US, ND, MN). Fargo Police Department, ND State Highway Patrol, the ACLU, etc.
January 6: 4 cords delivered to Oceti Oyate
January 14: 4 cords delivered to Oceti Oyate
January 15: 4 cords delivered to Sacred Stone
January 18: 4 cords delivered to Oceti Oyate
TBD: 4 cords delivery TBD
FYI: This campaign is still accepting donations for firewood. If you, or anyone you know has an interest in hosting a fundraiser, please contact us directly. We have absolutely zero interest in stopping.
For reference and out of our desire to be completely transparent, each delivery costs $1,235.
600 for wood (market price for 4 cords of Ash and Oak)
150 for gas (it's an 8 hour round trip for Jeff)
450 for labor (chopping wood, delivery)
35 for Paypal fee
Jeff has asked us to help coordinate any wood wished to be purchased from those on the front lines--he's been approached by several parties at camp and feels more comfortable working with us since we have a pretty good system down!
So if you're at any camp and want to purchase wood for delivery, please contact me directly, through here or facebook. Let's make it happen!
Thank you!