Come Broken Hearted; Let Rescue Begin (4Attila)
-help create change
The Lindsay Lakers, and Attila Csanyi.
During these times, when the people of the world has had enough with injustice, inequality and indifference within our society we stand in solidarity for a cause greater than ourselves. We fight for the rights and systemic change for our most vulnerable; innocent children, the ones suffering from mental illness and addiction, the minorities and the homeless. In these times there are many in crisis right now, who are desperate and who are hurting. For us to advocate for justice and mercy we need to feel humility, our hearts need to break and we need to walk humbly with each other.
In Micah 6:8
"He has told you, O man, what is good: And what does the Lord require of you: Except to be JUST, and to LOVE; To Diligently practice KINDNESS, COMPASSION and to set aside any sense of importance or self-righteousness."
Let us have a real conversation to ensure that the voices of those hurting are heard. It may make you uncomfortable to think about those less fortunate: To understand that the "system" is not geared towards the oppressed.
We try to silence people who has faced injustice to maintain an agenda that makes these people invisible and change impossible. If we can accept that there is a problem that needs to be addressed than with acceptance we can seek deliverance towards a better future, together. WE CAN make a difference, WE CAN break the chains, and with faith WE CAN give those who cry out for a better life, HOPE.
Attila Center, surrounded by family
"There is Hope For the Hopeless,
And All Who has strayed.
Come Sit at the Table
Come Taste the Grace."
Attila Andrew Csanyi: 01-21-1992 to 05-02-2020
For those that do not personally know Attila I will partially share his, our story to give insight towards his character and events leading up to his death. Attila is my twin brother. Since day one he has been my best friend,a teacher, a protector and now I believe my guardian angel.
Attila was found dead on may 2nd, 2020 on the rooftop of Jackson Square, a mall in Hamilton, Ontario. It is assumed that 'drug over-dose' or 'transient life style' is the reason he left this world so early, however that is not the case. There has been a chain of events, neglect, years of pain and suffering and a broken system that was unable to protect Attila that has ultimately released him from this world.
Attila Csanyi (left) Richard Csanyi (right) 9 years old in Lindsay Ontario.
In the year 2000, Attila and I were moved to Lindsay Ontario, where we had a sense of safety and security living with a family and a community that has welcomed us with open arms despite being damaged goods. Our foster Grandma and Grandpa provided us with a life we would have never known. We became involved in scouts, members of the youth alumni of Bethel church and actively apart of sports inside and out of school. These are the times I cherish the most. Although from time to time Attila found himself in trouble, he was a good kid with the right intentions.
After 2008 Attila moved back home with our biological family in Toronto where he started showing symptoms of early stages of schizophrenia. A year later I followed in his footsteps to move back home in so that we can rekindle a relationship with our mom and dad and siblings. Things seemed normal for a while we played baseball, went to school, had part-time jobs and hung out with friends. Over time you could see that Attila's mental health was depreciating.
For two years his life was taking a turn and there was a glimpse of hope, that Attila was heading in the right direction. He often spoke about seeking employment as well as his never fading aspirations to become a pitcher in the major leagues. A dream, with his natural abilities that was not out of reach. He talked about times in Lindsay, growing up and shared his experiences of how he wanted to make an impact on the lives of people who were homeless in Hamilton, Ontario. Attila would dance in the streets with joy, sit and talk with people who were depressed, bring homeless people around employment centers and on his all day journey's would clean up garbage from the streets of Hamilton.
Attila and his good friend at Mary's women's
shelter in Hamilton, just one example of a life
he touched of the many.
As Attila fought to stay on a path of righteousness, with frequent calls to reach out to myself and get a chance to speak with his niece, my 3 year old daughter Violet: Attila remained positive, though he was in a dire and desperate situation living a life that most would take for granted. Attila is a survivor who consistently and powerfully overcame the odds against him. On or about March 20th, 2020 there was a change that negatively affected Attila's chances for survival, he lost his place in His lodging home at 265 Bay St, Hamilton and became homeless once again. There is a direct correlation between having a place to call home and mental health and without the resources he once had available to him his life was spiraling out of control, during a pandemic when help was all ready scarce.
I have last seen Attila, end of April , when I greeted him at my front step with a cautious hug at 1:30 in the morning. I did not have a place for him to sleep and was concerned about his well being. I proceeded to contact the peel police to check up and bring Attila and his friend into the hospital as I felt his life was at risk. Attila slept in the bank that night and there was no follow up from the police regarding my call. When I went back to check up on them in the morning, they were gone. A few weeks later Attila was pronounced dead on May 2nd. After a frantic search involving members of the community that went on for over a month, the Hamilton police released an image asking the public to help identify my brother. on June 5th, 2020. (articles from the Hamilton spectator attached. )
MY MISSION: JUSTICE FOR ATTILA, and prevent further sudden deaths related to negligence, mental illness and homelessness. To reach out to those in need with love and support, to help the homeless and to protect victims of horrendous crimes; to educate the uninformed related to stigma surrounding mental health and essentially and most importantly to SAVE LIVES !
For this fundraiser to be successful; I have placed my hope in that We can spread the word and share the love. We need to stand together on a cause that we can agree on and for me there is no cause greater than saving lives and giving the ones who's been broken something to believe in.
During the search for Attila, an non for profit organization reached out to share heart felt stories about my brother and I feel that this charity needs recognition for their efforts and hand in Attila's life. The organization is called "Helping Hamilton Homeless" organization in Hamilton Ontario-it is a registered not for profit organization that gives 100 percent of its donations back to the community to people that need help and are homeless and broke and struggling financially and mentally or with addictions. They do outreach daily and drop off needed supplies and hand out food and clothing , hot meals and toiletries and tents and sleeping bags to those living on the streets and the vulnerable community members in need. They offer friendship and caring and a listening ear and will give everyone they talk too a Tim Hortons gift card to grab a coffee and some food . No judgment only love and empathy and kindness
and hugs and smiles allowed. Great connections to help build foundations and trust and hope
with people living in desperate situations.
Helping Hamilton Homeless founder says “we got to know Atilla a few years back and we sat and talked to him and his friend sitting on the street one day and learned they were from Toronto and developed a friendship that grew . Atilla was
such a strong brave man protecting his friends
and caring about others around him . His heart was huge and loving and kind and he desperately wanted to get back on track but just didn’t know how to find the path. He will be deeply missed and remembered on in our hearts. RIP Attila
forever in our hearts
Fundraising Break-Down
2/3 of the proceeds of this fundraiser will
directly go towards "Helping Hamilton Homeless" in Attila's name. Aside from monetary funds I request that those who are able to donate clothing, food, blankets and anything that may give someone joy to proceed to do it on their own terms. Anything and everything is greatly appreciated. As one women put it " YOU GIVE US TRASH, AND WE WILL REBUILD WITH IT"
The remaining third will be shared between 2
other initiatives
- The first initiative will go towards seeking legal counsel as I feel Attila's life/ death can be used as an example towards setting new regulations and laws that protect children and those who are vulnerable, WE CAN AND WILL SAVE LIVES.
The second initiative will be allocated to a
"celebration of life" and funeral. As I plan to put together with a friend a baseball tournament geared towards families who have lost a loved one too young.
The #45 remains forever yours buddy, Love you ATTILA.
Thank you to all who participate whether or not I meet my goals, I know that CHANGE is on its
way, and I will fight for it with integrity,
Final Budget Goal Break-down Summary :
1. $30'000 for Helping Hamilton Homeless Organization - (HHH). This is an organization in
Hamilton that was close to Attilas heart a place and group of people that helped him during his time of need . They took him food and clothing , blankets , toiletries and supplies and maintained a friendship offering him hope and help.
2. $7500 legal counsel Funding to create change
3. $7500 for celebration of life/And to baseball games for helping families who lost loved ones
to young To suicide and drug overdose /
Articles /News / Links
helping Hamilton homeless
Nail in the coffin for man found dead on Jackson Sq roof,
Unnecessary Death creates Need for Change
Family Waited More Than A Month to know of loved ones passing
Public Help Hamilton Police Identify Man found dead