Bmore Community Food - Coming Back from Arson
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During the early morning hours of Father’s Day, an arsonist set pallets ablaze, taking out our trucks and part of our warehouse, leaving us temporarily crippled, which means hundreds of thousands of meals have not gotten out to the most vulnerable neighborhoods in our city.
Bmore Community Food has been feeding Baltimore since the start of COVID-19; seven million pounds of food have already been distributed. We exist to feed black and brown communities who are hungry for no reason other than the color of their skin. The vast majority of food deserts are where we live. We work to have this end.
It was disturbing to see a young white male attempting to destroy what we have taken more than three years to build, 8-18 hours per day. Makes me wonder if he has ever worked a diligent day in his life, and it does not matter.
What matters is, we are not going anywhere. What matters is continuing the flow of food that we receive from some of the largest food distributors in the world (Dole, Danone, Amazon, Walmart and others).
Though the fire is a temporary setback, we are committed to bringing ten-million new pounds of food to Baltimore, per year, by the end of 2025.
It makes no sense that so many people are hungry when Americans throw away 30-40% of all food processed each year. We can end unnecessary hunger, but we have to step up our game to make this happen. Bmore Community Food is stepping up. Join us by giving what you can. We are committed to fully reopening by the first week of August. You can help us to get there.

JC Faulk
Baltimore, MD
An End to Ignorance