Coming Home - Adoptee Returns to Birth in Homeland
Help support an adoptee birth her first child in her homeland of Colombia.
Having a relationship with one's birthplace is a huge source of power for one's spirit. Nurturing a connection with homeland can mend rupture. I was adopted as an infant from Colombia, and every time I visit, I feel a rush of energy come up from the ground and resonate with my soul. It brings me joy to feel this land embrace me. Birthing my first born in my homeland will be such a gift for my ancestors who relinquished me, and shared me with another family in a far away land.
This is my ultimate dream: to heal from a lifetime of family, language, and cultural separation.
I am an artist, activist, and community builder.
I established Zoe Klein Productions , an acrobatic dance company to bring adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive parents together to think about the importance of origin and the complexity of both harmful and helpful implications of the institution of adoption.
As an artist and activist, my financial resources are limited and I am asking members of my community to support me for this significant undertaking.
Funds will used for me, my partner and our baby:
• Air flights to Bogota - [$1400]
• Food & Housing in Bogota for 3 months - [$3000]
• Medical Care in Bogota - [$2000]
• Emergency Insurance in Bogota - [$700]
• Dual Citizenship Documents for Baby - [$200]
Baby is due 9/23/19.
Must raise funds by 9/1/19.
I invite you to be a part of my journey: a story of resilience, renewal, and healing.
I am so grateful to do this with you!