Community says Thank You to Bean There Cafe
UPDATE: Link to Bean There Cafe online photo album:
After 26 years on Reynolds Street, Bean There Cafe will be closing its doors at the end of May.
Since we can't gather in person for a big send off, let's use this GoFundMe as a small way to "virtually" wish Brett & Lambrina well as they embark on their next chapter. Please share this link and feel free to post memories below.
Brett Titus was my very first boss. Yesterday, as I was buying my morning coffee at 7:30am, I heard the news that I never wanted to hear: the cafe will be officially closing its doors at the end of the month.
There are very few people who understand the sense of the word "community" like Brett & Lambrina. Brett taught me a lot about the person that I wanted to be "when I grow up" when I was 16 years old. We were both laughing yesterday over the fact that we are both quite naturally shy, which may surprise some people. However, I think this speaks to the magic of the cafe... Bean There to me has always had a remarkable way of bringing people together, and making you feel at home.
Brett showed me first hand over the years how to treat people with respect, and how a little bit of kindness and an open ear over coffee can go a long way. He continues to teach me life lessons from afar at 28 years old, and I will always be grateful for our friendship. Anyone who has met Brett's partner Lambrina will echo the sentiment that she is a true angel at work in our community as well. Lambrina has been on the front lines this past year, making an impact in the fight against COVID-19.
"All politics are local, community is everything. You can't change the world, but you can make a corner of it pretty nice". - Dave Chappelle