Community Support Month Project 2023
Donation protected
In 2022 Lowell United Methodist Church wanted to recognize some workers in our community that had been working tirelessly through the pandemic. We recognized 4 groups of workers to recognize one group each week in February. The groups were:
Week 1- Healthcare Workers
Week 2- First Responders (Police, Fire, EMS, etc.)
Week 3- Educators & Support Staff
Week 4- Service Workers (including cashiers, bankers, mechanics, restaurant workers, etc)
To provide 25 or so gift bags each week in February we sought donations in hopes of raising $750. The response we received from the church family and the community around us was overwhelming! It had turned into a much larger undertaking which was only more confirmation that people wanted a way to express their appreciation for those groups of workers. Throughout February with donations from individuals and partnerships with our local Meijer store, we were able to bless over 1500 people in our communities working in those 4 groups.
The project was a huge success and we were able to spread love to some very deserving workers in our communities. And when something is that well received and gets the response that the 2022 project did.... YOU BRING IT BACK ;)
So that is what we are doing now! In the fall of 2022, we began working on the 2023 project and thought of ways that we can have a greater reach than just our own little community... So we thought BIG...
We reached out to city councils, local mayors, the Governor of Michigan and even the President of the United States. We had hoped to share what we did in 2022 and ask that they help us in recognizing those workers for the 2023 project. With the exception of the President of the United States ...(thus far....) we were met with overwhelming support. To date, we have the Lowell City Council, Lowell Mayor Mike DeVore, Grand Rapids Mayor Bliss, and even Governor Gretchen Whitmer making official proclamations for Community Support Month Project 2023.
Now that we have other communities involved and on board, we reached out to other churches in the area that could help in their own neighborhoods. Meeting with church members from Aldersgate UMC, Grand Rapids First UMC, Northlawn UMC, and Trinity UMC, we had a network of partners in West Michigan ready to get to work.
As one can imagine, to do this does take resources. That includes most importantly volunteers. It also takes space to prepare gifts and bags. It also costs money to purchase gifts for each of these workers. That is what we are coming to the community for. Many people have stated that they would like to help but did not know how. This is an easy way to get involved for those who are financially able to help. We estimate the gift bags that we prepared last year cost between $2-5. Maybe you would like to donate that amount... PERFECT! Maybe you would like to do a group gift for a school- we estimated that amount to be between $100-300 depending on the size of the staff. There is no amount too small to make a difference in this project.
Some have asked about doing their own ideas to recognize those workers. That is GREAT! We can provide materials for you to deliver with your gift. If you would like to adopt a school or an office of some sort, we just ask that you let us know so that we don't double resources. You can send us a message on our Facebook page which can be found by visiting:
If you are not in a position to help financially- we understand and that is fine. We would ask that you be in prayer with us for the month of February for all of the workers we have mentioned. If you have social media, you can also share this link and the Facebook web address so that we spread more awareness for the project.
This is our big idea for 2023... With your help, it will be a success and then it is on to 2024 ;)
Lowell United Methodist
Lowell, MI