CoMo Mutual Aid
How will we distribute the money?
Right now, a wide variety of ways. People are having a lot of difficulty getting a hold of resources and making their needs apparent. A few groups have popped up to try to tackle these problems. Many of them appear to be caught up in the bureaucracy of the problem. We tried to make a more streamlined way to handle these issues.
In short, people send us requests for aid in supplies, groceries, transportation, etc. We connect their needs with volunteers in their vicinity and try to get them what they need. So far, the volunteers are covering all of their operating costs, but that is the only additional place we foresee allocating these funds. So #1 directly to the purchase of supplies for people or #2 supporting volunteer efforts to get them said supplies.
You can see more about this process here:
NOTE: The goal was set artificially low to make sure that we were able to distribute the monies we received. We REALLY need as much as you can help us with.