Company steals from Non-Profit Reptile Sanctuary
Crooked contractor steals from Non-Profit Animal Sanctuary.
Canada’s Dinosaur Park and Reptile Sanctuary is seeking $200,000 from Go-Fund-Me donations to better enhance the lives of the rescued animals in its care by building more significant habitats.
Canada‘s Dinosaur Park & Reptile Sanctuary contracted TCM / Total Construction Management Services Inc (Peterborough) in September 2021 to complete a new building by November 2021. Construction was started in September and TMC was advanced nearly $300,000 as deposits and payments to construct a new building for the animals and educational fossil displays. Deposit money was to be used for building materials and workers/subtrades, but TCM pocketed the money and did not pay them. TCM abandoned the project, unfinished, in December 2021. They have not returned to the site since.
A full accounting is needed to determine all unpaid accounts. It is known that the following companies have not been paid; Sharper Construction (Steve Harper), Steel Con Contracting (Scott Cristie), Peterborough Crane, and Ron Zenner Concrete. The building remains unfinished.
The owner of TCM James Gillingham of Havelock does not respond to calls and has cancelled orders for critical components of the building. This has created months of delays.
Two weeks ago Mr. Gillingham engaged a lawyer to further delay reimbursement to Canada’s Dinosaur Park. On July 6th, 2022, the lawyer advised Bry Loyst that Gillingham had lied to him and did not provide settlement funds as promised. Canada’s Dinosaur Park is seeking $200,000 in funding to enhance the lives of the animals, to cover legal costs to sue TCM, and to ensure the workers/subtrades are paid for the work they have done to erect the building to this point. Our giant tortoise needs a new larger home, as do many of our other animals.
Melinda-Lee Baker
Indian River, ON
Indian River Reptile Zoo