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I'm biking in support of LiveGlobally, a non-profit organization based in Durham, NC, whose three major programs – Healthy Bodies, Happy Minds (Durham, NC), Water for Living (Costa Rica), and Land for Water (Kenya) – promote a healthier earth by nourishing hearts, minds, and bodies around the world.
My bike ride is part of #compassionING a campaign that hopes to raise $50,000 to support the work of LiveGlobally. I hope to raise $32,000 from the bike ride, or $10 per mile. That’s why I’m biking across the US this summer and fall with Allison Bigelow . We are taking this opportunity to experience new spaces, actively find stillness, discover harmony through others’ compassion, and fulfill a collective dream of ours. We will overcome our challenges – rough terrain, wind, mountains, storms – by finding kindness from the strangers who have agreed to host us, others we are sure to meet along the way, and living with a heightened awareness of our innate connectedness to the living things of this earth.

By riding everyday, I hope to integrate LiveGlobally’s message of teaching peace by living peace into my daily life. To learn more about LiveGlobally, #compassionING, and how their MindBody Centering Yoga has informed my own practice, please visit LiveGlobally.com . For updates along the way, you can follow me on Instagram or Facebook. I’ll be sharing on social media to demonstrate how loving kindness, integrity, compassion, and care can bring peace within our spirits. #compassionING
Thank you for supporting #compassionING and LiveGlobally. It means a lot.
Supporters outside of US go to www.liveglobally.com/donate-to-compassioning to donate, thank you.
My bike ride is part of #compassionING a campaign that hopes to raise $50,000 to support the work of LiveGlobally. I hope to raise $32,000 from the bike ride, or $10 per mile. That’s why I’m biking across the US this summer and fall with Allison Bigelow . We are taking this opportunity to experience new spaces, actively find stillness, discover harmony through others’ compassion, and fulfill a collective dream of ours. We will overcome our challenges – rough terrain, wind, mountains, storms – by finding kindness from the strangers who have agreed to host us, others we are sure to meet along the way, and living with a heightened awareness of our innate connectedness to the living things of this earth.

By riding everyday, I hope to integrate LiveGlobally’s message of teaching peace by living peace into my daily life. To learn more about LiveGlobally, #compassionING, and how their MindBody Centering Yoga has informed my own practice, please visit LiveGlobally.com . For updates along the way, you can follow me on Instagram or Facebook. I’ll be sharing on social media to demonstrate how loving kindness, integrity, compassion, and care can bring peace within our spirits. #compassionING
Thank you for supporting #compassionING and LiveGlobally. It means a lot.
Supporters outside of US go to www.liveglobally.com/donate-to-compassioning to donate, thank you.
Pablo Robles