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Congenital Heart Diese with Down Syndrome

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Hi,My name is Katie Wheeler.
I am speaking on behalf of My Daughter Makenizie and My 1st Born Granddaughter Tessa Renaee.
She was born 4 weeks earlier than excepted @ Washington Hospital in Washington Pennsylvania. She was delivered only @ 5lbs. The doctors and Nurses @ that point had discovered there may be complications.
She than was transferred via Ambulance to Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.
There She has gone under numerous test resulting in her having A Rare form of Tetralogy of Fallot of the Heart. Which in terms is born with 4 defects of the Heart and results show She has Down Syndrome.

Since than my Granddaughter as been readmitted back to Children's to undergo Open Heart Surgery. Which was a life/ death situation.
Doctors did all they could.
Tessa is in stable condition but is certainly not out the woods yet.
I am asking my Fellow Family and Friends to support my Daughter/ Granddaughter in this time of need.
Her nor her Father are unable to work at this point due to always being by there daughters side through this difficult time.
Any Monetary contributions would really help my family offset there medical and living expenses they or may continue to have along this journey.
Thank you all in the time of need
Please keep Tessa and my Family in your prayers.
May God bless you all.


Katie Wheeler
Washington, PA
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