Wowdot CIC - Connect_In Campaign
Together, We Can Eradicate the Digital
Donate for connectivity and laptops
In a world that is largely digitally-driven, it is all too easy to take our electronic devices and connectivity for granted. In
fact, if you believe that the like of laptops,tablets, and high-speed internet is a
basic living expense, then you’re probably not alone.
But in reality, the digital inequality is ever-increasing across the UK. And as with all disparities in society, it’s the poor and socially vulnerable who are suffering most.
This is where Wowdot CIC comes in. Built on the core mission of combating digital inequality across the UK, Wowdot supports a series of campaigns that help give young people and vulnerable families a fairer chance in education and social inclusion, through the means of digital technology and connectivity.
Connect_In is the first campaign that Wowdot CIC is supporting. This hardware and connectivity programme is being launched for young people and their families who have limited or no access to devices and connectivity, for educational purposes.
This incredible campaign has been initiated by our CEO, Qasim Majid, who also sits on the board of The Child Poverty Action Forum (a cross party, independent body, which has spun out of Birmingham City Council).
The CPAF is at the forefront of the Connect_In campaign. We have also partnered-up with a consortium of other Birmingham based organisations, all of whom have donated their time, products, and services to help society’s most vulnerable young people access digital technology and feel connected to the outside world.
The current Connect_In’s campaign goal is to support 1000 children and families in Birmingham with devices and connectivity, over the next 12 months.
Imagine the colossal difference this would make to the lives of society’s poorest families; and how we’d be setting vulnerable young people up, for a brighter future.
For more details of the Wowdot CIC and the Connect_In Campaign visit www.wow-group.co.uk/wowdot
Our Partners for the Connect_In Campaign