Construction of schools in DR Congo
BAYABI is short for "Bana Ya Bikoro" in the Lingala language or "The Children of Bikoro" in English
Project: Construction of Elandi Primary School, Reverend Kasongo Secondary School and 10 more Primary school in Bikoro Territory
Where: Village of Mpenda, Bikoro Territory, Equateur Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo)
Project Director: Bompeti Iyeli
The Bikoro Territory lies on Lake Tumba and is 128 km south of Mbandaka
Our Mission: To create better living conditions for Children, Women, Seniors, Transforming Schools, Lives and the Future in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
About the Foundation: The Bayabi Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to making education accessible in the Democratic Republic of Congo. You can become involved and help make a difference for our Congo children, sisters and brothers.
Bompeti Grand Mom 102_years
Did you know that cobalt, coltan and germanium from the Democratic Republic of Congo are used in the manufacture of the lithium batteries that power your smartphone and other electronic devices? Did you know that little to none of the profits from sale of these valuable minerals are invested in schools and education?
Through the Bayabi Foundation the private sector and world community have the opportunity to give the children of Congo a better future by making quality, sustainable schools and education available at the local level.
The Bayabi Foundation is established in Kinshasa, DRC and The Hague, Netherlands. Early research revealed that our vision to improve the life of the Congolese people could only be realized by offering a quality education in proper schools. Our goal to reduce illiteracy by offering evening classes in reading and writing for adults could also be attained through these same schools. The schools would also provide young people the opportunity to participate in organized sports to promote wellness, sense of purpose and self esteem. Our campaign to establish schools in the Bikoro region started in 2002 with a program to raise awareness of the importance of education
Photograph of the existing school in 2018 when we started the construction. Condition of the facility and lack of resources made the dream of producing intelligent, strong leaders to change the Congo, Africa and the World unlikely.
Ecole Primaire Elandi old blackbord April 2018
Ecole Primaire Elandi old classroom inside April 2018
The Bikoro Pilot Schools: The Bayabi Foundation’s ‘crazy dream’ of building 11 primary and 6 secondary schools in the Bikoro region without funding from the Congolese government is becoming a reality. Construction of the pilot primary school in Mpenda began in April 2018 and twenty-one months later the facility is operational. Work on the pilot secondary school is ongoing.
The Elandi Primary School, November 2019.
The illiteracy rate in the Bikoro region is among the highest in the country. The new schools will provide facilities for literacy programs for young people and adults in addition to the educational needs of children.
Long term plan: To date, we have established one pilot primary school and one pilot secondary school in the village of Mpenda. Our long term plans (through 2032) include creation or refurbishment of schools in urban areas as well. Schools located in cities present fewer technical difficulties in terms of digitalization, availability of materials and labor compared to those in villages.
1. Teacher salaries - The Central Government of DRC sets conditions to be met for teacher salaries to be subsidized. We have successfully obtained Governmental funding for nine (9) teacher salaries (six primary school and 3 secondary school). The Mpenda schools currently employ fifteen (15) teachers. That means six dedicated teachers rely on the generosity of Bayabi Foundation supporters for their monthly wages. The number of teachers needed are expected to double in the coming year as primary and secondary classes are expanded. Operating expenses for the 2019 - 2020 school year are $ 1,500 per month and are paid for by donations from the worldwide community.
2. School infrastructure - In order to meet the conditions of viability required by the Government in a timely manner the Bayabi Foundation urgently needs the following building materials.
01. Corrugated iron roofing
200 sheets per school
3.000$ per school
33.000 $ for 11 schools
02. Cement for paving + plastering
105 bags per school
1.883$ per school
20.713 $ for 11 schools
03. Glass metal doors
7 pieces per school
1.126$ per school
12.386 $ for 11 schools
04. Glazed metal windows
28 pieces per school
2.891$ per school
31.801 $ for 11 schools
05. Totals
97.900 $ for 11 schools
The Bayabi Foundation and the local population proudly provide labor including brick making and construction, lumber, benches and love for their children and community.
3. Wish List: To fully integrate the schools into the community and promote biodiversity conservation we plan to teach the local population sustainable methods for maximizing production and sale of their agricultural products. To realize this goal we would need donations of a tractor, bus or van and farming.
How can I/we support the work of the Bayabi Foundation?: Visit our website at
https://www.bayabi-foundation.com/donation/ to learn how you can become a one-time or regular sponsor and help bring quality education to the Democratic Republic of Congo.
We guarantee that all donations go directly to the school projects. Sponsors will receive a quarterly project update and be able to share in our successes.
Thank you for you donation
We thank in advance any person (moral or physical) of good will, who will accept to contribute freely to this charitable work.
Project director Bompeti Iyeli
W: www.bayabi-foundation.com