Continuum's TOTALLY Regenerative Retreat Center
Ahh Nature and it's tremendous power to heal...
ANDDDD the POWER of grassroots GENEROSITY!!
Will you be part of our GENEROSITY experiment?
Can we reach enough people who would give JUST 5 minutes of their time to donate JUST 5 dollars and go on to share this with JUST 5 more generous people who would do the same?
IF it was spread from the original email->
-->7 degrees of separation --> $390,000 would be raised --> almost funding this initial stage of critical funds.
-->8 degrees of separation --> the Continuum Foundation could receive almost 2 million dollars to support its mission.
-->9 degrees of separation --> Continuum would be fully funded with almost 10 million dollars and all proceeds would go directly to the mission of taking real steps toward restoring environmental and social justice!!
Did you know that a majority of the people in this country do not have regular access to Nature and Outdoor Space? Many don't feel safe or welcome? And the deprivation of Nature has detrimental effects on one's health?? (read more on that here .)
With the help of supporters LIKE YOU, the Continuum Foundation , our 501 (C)(3) nonprofit, wants to help change that.
Will you join us in creating a retreat center in beautiful Bodega, California, where ALL Souls feel welcome to come and restore in the rich healing properties that Nature provides; built in a way that directly serves the health of the Earth herself?
The SWAG for being a GIVER :
* *JUST $5- your name is entered into a drawing to receive a 1 week stay for two at the Continuum retreat space. * *
$1-125- Add Your Name to Our Giving Wall: Your name will be inscribed on a retreat center wall that supports rather than divides!
$150-Light the Way: With a cozy custom candle, sustainably created by the great illuminator behind DC's Neon Apothacary
$175- Plant Seeds + Take Steps: Capture your vision in a journal designed by LA artist and poet, and plant your intentions with a packet of pollinator loving seeds from the amazing Plant Good Seed here in CA, who's doing their part for the people and the planet!
$250- Cheers to YOU Tiny Dancer: Celebrate your strong inner go-getter with a very special "Made for Continuum" Sonoma County Biodynamic Pinot Noir (limited supply) ...It's incredible and it's in the barrels right now waiting for you!
$500+ - The Whole K+K!: Receive the whole Kit and Kaboodle above, and re-gift anything that someone else would love!
Our THANK YOU GIFTS above are intended to inspire you with their messages of Possibility, Action, Joy, Love, Restoration and Growth. Many of these items are made by creators whom WE love and respect for the message they're putting out into the world.
With an internal drive to "do no harm" and a desire to put "purpose before profit", Continuum will raise awareness of what it can look and feel like to consider the health of the planet, as well as the people, in every building design and retreat operation.
As a nonprofit organization we commit to:
-reinvest revenue back into programs and projects that work to improve access to those deprived of nature
-provide quarterly subsidized and monthly discounted retreats to groups and individuals with limited resources.
-power the retreat space with 100% renewable energy
We also hope to strengthen, support and expand the network of people like you, by building a healthy online space with ways to learn and get inspired and involved.
We would love your support in this powerful grassroots campaign. Grass roots literally improve soil structure, by helping it bind together, create pathways and prevent erosion! And though tiny, they are mighty, and show us that every little bit adds up!
Your financial support through this early seed round fundraising campaign will help in critical ways to move the project forward- essential start-up costs, permitting, sustainable architectural designing and planning ($250K), healthy regenerative land management, including wildfire mitigation. ($250K).
(Round two of financing will commence post permitting.)
***Every donation to our registered 501(c)(3) is tax deductible. Federal Tax ID # 85-1144050 (2.2% of your donation will go to PayPal processing fees)

"You may say I'm a dreamer...
but I'm not the only one.....
I hope someday you'll join us....
and the world will live as one."
-J. Lennon
Colleen Quinn
Mill Valley, CA
Continuum Foundation