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Control over the edge (again)!!!

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Kent Fire & Rescue control room staff are going 'over the edge',  alongside colleagues from Thameside Fire Station, the friends and family of Paul Reeve and the lovely Rope Rescue team at Deal (don't drop us - thank you kindly).  On Thursday 28th April we will be abseiling down Deal Fire Station Training tower in aid of two causes that are close to our hearts.
Half of the money raised will be given to support the family Kent Firefighter Paul Reeve. Paul suffered a life-changing brain injury whilst on a night out with colleagues in September 2019 and now needs 24-hour care.  
The remainder of the money will go towards the Firefighters Charity, who support the fire and rescue community and their families experiencing physical, mental or emotional difficulties.

Spendenteam (7)

Nikki Haxton-Jones
Hannah Paine
Team member
Gemma Gardner
Team member
Amy Owen
Team member
Charlotte Gammon
Team member

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