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Cooking Competition for D86 Vote Yes campaign

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Hello, we are three high school students from Hinsdale Central, Herbert Wang (Junior), David Chu (Junior), and Grant Zhang (Freshman). Our school is one of the two schools in District 86—a district that has been experiencing its most challenging phase in its history. Our schools haven't been updated in almost 60 years.  Even being in school is a safety hazard. We are trying to raise money for the D86 Vote Yes campaign, which is campaign for the passage of the Referendum in the community vote in April.

We are hosting a cooking competition 5:30  to 8 pm on March 17th, 2019 at the Hinsdale Community House where we have students and parents bring their dishes, eat, and judge food. The prizes will be given to the top three adults and top three junior chefs. We are also encouraging restaurant and grocery stores to donate food and gift card. We are hoping to use the money raised in this GoFundMe to help pay for the cost of this competition. The final funds raised by this competition will be going towards the D86 Vote Yes campaign.

We will be so grateful if you are able to help us, students, and our community as a whole.



  • Aiwei Tian
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Qiying Jiang
Hinsdale, IL

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