Cooper The Trooper’s Kidney Donor Fundraiser
Donation protected
Where do I start?
If you are on this page and you don’t know my son story let me tell you a brief version of what he has been battling.
Our son Cooper was born with End Stage Renal Disease and he literally has been a Trooper since he was in the womb. Upon birth I didn’t even get to hold him because he needed emergent surgery to get chest tubes put in. Talk about a challenging start to life. When he was 3 days old we learned that he basically had little to no kidney function and the talks of dialysis and future transplant immediately began.
Imagine for a moment being literally thrown into the news of your newborn who is going to have a lifelong condition he will battle. It was gut wrenching to say the least.
Cooper began peritoneal dialysis at just days old. It was a tough mental transition but Stephen and I quickly absorbed ALL of the information needed to keep our son thriving.
This new club of medical parents isn’t one we wanted to join but it has forever changed our lives.
We have learned to embrace the situation we were thrown into and really lean into God. He has BIG plans for Cooper and we feel he has a path for us to help share his journey with others and educate people on organ donation.
We are 15 months in and can honestly set up dialysis in our sleep- and we have learned so much on medical ordering for dialysis supplies, medicines, specialty pharmacies, food bag supplies, etc.
Our son has had more lab draws and shots than that of ten adults in their entire lifetime and he’s 1 year old. Let that sink in for a minute… He is the STRONGEST babe we know!
Currently we have begun the tedious process of finding Cooper a kidney donor. It isn’t an easy process and it is not a cheap one either.
We are wanting to help our future donor cover expenses that occur with the donation process. (Travel-food-time off work being the biggest-recovery etc)
Any donation is throughly appreciated and will be gratefully received with love. If you cannot apply to be his donor this is the next best thing to helping out our little kidney warrior.
We are SO THANKFUL for you.
If you are not in the place to donate right now simply praying for our son and sharing this post is appreciated!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Kasey Pfaff
Hampton, VA